Dwarf Orinoco Banana - Musa

Dwarf Orinoco Banana - Musa

Sold by wellspringgardens

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Item ships from Lakeland FL USA

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3 Dwarf Banana Musa Cavendish Plant Banana Tree Cold Hardy Fruit Tree Tropical
Pothos ‘Pearls and Jade’ – 3 Cuttings – 4”-5” Devil’s Ivy Indoor House Plant.
1 Dwarf Banana Musa Cavendish Plant Banana Tree Cold Hardy Fruit Tree Tropical
Dwarf Orinoco Musa Banana Tree--SMALL Rooted Starter Plant
Dwarf Orinoco Banana Plant
Dwarf Cavendish Banana Tree - Musa - Live Plant
Miss Joaquim 'Douglas' - HEALTHY CUTTING WITH ROOTS, (7"-9" each), easy to grow
10 Areca Palm rooted seedlings. A tropical look indoors or out. Air-purifying.
5 Epidendrum Radicans Purple Reed Poor Man Orchid keiki Epiphyte Air Voodoo Baby
Hot Pink Ginger - Alpinia purpurata
Tropicana Banana (Super Dwarf Cavendish) - Musa - Live Plant
Epidendrum Ground Orchid - 4 bare root cuttings, at least 2 diff colors!
Shark Tooth Cactus, Selenicereus chrysocardium Fern Leaf -Uncommonly Exotic!!!
8 Fire Star Orchids, rooted keikis. Gorgeous and unbelievably easy to grow.
Epidendrum quitensium ( elongatum)
Yellow Jamaican Cherry Tree - Muntingia calabura
Starburst Clerodendrum - well rooted young seedling, sizes vary, without pot
CUTE PINK Vanda Arjuna x Sandra Gail Hatos Orchid 4” Basket Blooming Size
Rare Philodendron Live Plant — Prince of Orange, Ring of Fire or White Princess
Ctna Why Not 'Red' x self bloomimg size cattleya type orchid hybrid.

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