1989 Tv Guide July 29 - Married With Children; Maria Shriver; Louis Armstrong

1989 Tv Guide July 29 - Married With Children; Maria Shriver; Louis Armstrong

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1948 New Yorker August 21 - The Ideal Life - Helen Hokinson (174425275028)
1951 Saturday Evening Post December 8 Cover Only-4th Grade Christmas School Room (176645483995)
1957 Time February 4 - Leonard Bernstein; 1st Emergency shock treament of heart (126212319782)
1946 Time April 15 - Giannini Bank of America; Jinnah and Gandhi; Woody Guthrie (126242598452)
1962 New Yorker September 1 - Waiting for the train back to the city - Getz (176699639766)
1927 Survey Graphic September - Sacco and Vanzetti killers; 40 years in Kinderga (126188117780)
1968 TV Guide December 21 - Mickey Mouse turns 40; Glenn Ford; Mayberry RFD (176106015175)
1941 Womans Home Companion April - Toy car & gas pump; Vivien Leigh;Car Dresses (126827845216)
1943 Life November 8 - Hamilton Ohio; Trapp family singers; Negro Troops;Arundel (125929181698)
1988 TV Guide November 19 - Remembering JFK; Smothers Brothers; Vanna White (125932020473)
1967 Saturday Evening Post June 3 - Elke Sommer haunted house; Treblinka Revolt (172484443075)
1968 Saturday Evening Post November 30 - Special Television issue; Son Jurgensen (174153011746)
1941 National Geographic November-Singapore; Thailand; Panama; Canada war effort (125813808172)
1962 Saturday Evening Post March 24 - Turbine auto trip; Bug Tussle OK, Israel (175085591812)
1943 National Geographic September - Timor; La Venta Mexico; Sicily; Wartime DC (125377213084)
1899 Life August 17 - Shamrock sails for the America's Cup; McKinley is divisive (123071716500)
1989 TV Guide December 2 - Holiday Specials; Best Video Games for Christmas (176680444976)
1950 New Yorker March 11 cover only - What kind of a drink is that???-Peter Arno (126767453103)
1954 Life December 13 - Pope Pius XII; Sylacauga AL woman hit by meteorite;Robot (126488817305)
1950 Womans Home Companion May - Women in Strait Jackets; Shoes are hardest (126831203482)
1900 Life January 18 - Aguinaldo's Wife is Captured; Cargo girls to VA;Alcoholic (173267994103)
1943 Life December 20 - Tulane party; Santa Fe; Carmen Jones; India Famine (125929245400)
2011 New Yorker Cover only September 12 - Reflections of the Twin Towers - Juan (176607593790)
1952 Saturday Evening Post April 5 Cover Only - Baby on the Grocery Scale (176645451548)
1990 TV Guide September 8-14-Twin Peaks Mystery; Al Michaels; Boston Stuart Case (126811778347)
1952 Time February 4-Artzybasheff; Elizabeth NJ plane crash; 2 Jews hung; Farouk (126767580097)
1990 TV Guide November 3-9 - Cheers most memorable moments; Rocky Horror picture (176719090886)
1956 Saturday Evening Post November 3 Cover Only - The Ballet Class (126759640907)
1956 Time September 10 - Clinton TN; Mickey Mantle; Frank Lloyd Wright; Paris (126819050879)
1929 Survey Graphic September 15 - Strikers, mills and murder; Outlying shopping (126188277190)
1989 TV Guide July 8-14 - Best and Worst of Everything; Sally Jessy Raphael (126774345760)
1862 Harpers Weekly July 12 - Original print - New Orleans before and after (126524820870)
1954 Life May 24 - Brooklyn Bridge birthday; Alfred Hitchcock; Eskimo art;London (176383081807)
1990 TV Guide October 27 - Halloween Horrors; Kevin Kline; James Earl Jones;Rare (126813230838)
1941 Womans Home Companion November Red Cross Nurse; Roslyn NY school; Stanwyck (126829428340)
1929 Survey Graphic September - Mustapha Kemal's New Turkey; Prison riots; (176034884637)
1932 Survey Graphic February - Franklin Roosevelt; Chicago ladies; Gangsters; (126188318761)
1998 New Yorker February 23 - March 2 Surfing among aliens - M Roberts - Rare (126490108326)
1860 Harpers Weekly December 29 - Christmas issue; Negroes plan insurrection (125927635151)
1957 New Yorker July 20 - The Bookstore on 42nd Street - Getz; Charles Addams (126782631440)
1866 Harpers Weekly November 10 - Arkansas Travelers; Mexican Indians; Bridges (176549077582)
1954 Womans Home Companion November - White Christmas; Duchess of Windsor;Davis (126838368678)
1943 Saturday Evening Post January 23 Cover Only - Shoot Hitler in the Head (176646991027)
1945 Time March 26 Remagen Bridge blown; San Marino election; Iwo Flag raising (121795850611)
1908 Scientific American April 25 - The Mummy; Mutoscope and talking machine (176600654247)
1929 Survey Graphic July - Chicago gangsters and crime survey; Kentucky; Cuba (126188235929)
1957 Scientific American September-Giant molecules; Cellulose; Proteins; Nucleic (126499607637)
1952 New Yorker September 6 cover only - Do it Yourself Flower Arrangement -Rare (126839074415)
1952 Time July 14 - Artzybasheff; MacArthur is GOP keynote speaker; Bobby Jones (176674302139)
1966 New Yorker May 14 - Bluebirds at the Stone Wall - Preston - 200 pgs (126797613717)
1961 New Yorker November 18 - Princeton Football Bench Warmers - Birnbaum (176696896106)
1956 New Yorker December 1 - Shopping for Christmas Cards in Filene's Basement (176688760540)
1951 Saturday Evening Post December 1 Cover Only - Wisconsin Duck Hunting (176645494186)
1930 Scribners March - Women's colleges and race extinction; Finances in America (175806225058)
1902 Scientific American January 4 - Marconi experiment; Santa Cruz CA; Dinosaur (174842197461)
1909 Popular Magazine February J C Leyendecker Reproduced Cover (126443495874)
1945 Life October 22 - Headless Rooster; Ohio State football; Caruthersville (123299784989)
1939 Life February 13 Roosevelt at war with press; Polo ponies; Ft. Wayne IN (123277783306)
1955 Saturday Evening Post December 24-Louis L'Amour; Gorham NH; Ohio River (175495363321)
1955 New YorkerJuly 23 - Music in the Park - New Rochelle - Rare (176682654295)
1965 New Yorker December 18 - Brownstones in Greenwich - Santa Claus' 66 Chevy (176704424403)
1969 Saturday Evening Post January 25 - Lucky Luciano and Arthur Miller; (174153043564)
1960 Life January 25 - Gamble Benedict marries; World Crime; Brigitte Bardot (124032344521)
1988 TV Guide January 9 - Dynasty, Emma Samms; Bob Costas; Jake and the fatman (175717042919)
1944 Life April 17 - Tarawa; Joe Stilwell's war in Burma; Douglas Aircraft Dance (172819540921)
1945 Life October 29 - Nazis Indicted;Romanoff's Restaurant;Piper cub;La Guardia (173459335272)
1897 Jugend April 10- German Art Nouveau cover - Godiva on a horse - Weisheit (126680532156)
1960 Saturday Evening Post June 25 - Peachtree Street Atlanta; Nazis; SF Giants (174316163667)
1961 Saturday Evening Post October 21 - Dachshund; Football coaches; Television (124641773829)
1969 Saturday Evening Post February 8 - Last issue; Synanon; Soul Music; Chicago (174153040845)
1953 Life October 26 - Winston Churchill memoirs; French cave deaths; Harvard (176390177427)
1955 Time January 10 - Wall Street Bull; VW buses; Rin Tin Tin; Lassie TV (176655402820)
1955 Time May 9 - Zhukov of Russia; Homestead PA; 1960 Predictions; Thailand (126754038949)
1899 Ladies Home Journal February - Texas XIT Ranch; Prettiest country homes (176617927137)
2010 New Yorker Cover only August 9 - The phone in the pool - Niemann (176607587830)
1959 Saturday Evening Post March 14 - D-Day; Cincinnati Royals; Arthur Murray (173788085427)
2008 New Yorker Cover only December 15 - Santa Claus hires a bicyclist - Hall (126703168615)
1988 TV Guide November 26 - Barbara Walters; Angela Lansbury; Best pass receiver (125932025449)
1990 TV Guide January 6-12 - Rock Hudson; Guy Williams Zorro; Camarena Story (126807784898)
1987 TV Guide May 16 - Lee Majors, Lindsay Wagner return as Bionics; C Heston (125866442889)
1964 New Yorker June 6 - From Graduation to the Work Force - Charles Martin (126794420707)
1892 Puck Centerfold - The Frankenstein of the Snap Convention (126303301573)
1949 Saturday Evening Post August 20 Cover Only -Air and Gas on the way to Beach (126742406433)
1900 Life January 11 - Mormon Polygamy; Are the Philippines a white elephant? (173267990630)
1962 LOOK June 5 - Jackie Kennedy; Whitey Ford - New York Yankees; Pregnancy (126333699521)
1953 Life November 9 - Winston Churchill; Negroes Guarded;Bronxville NY birthday (176391298191)
1956 Time April 16 - Picasso; Butte MT Anaconda housing; Malenkov; Grace Kelly (176719373472)
1990 TV Guide March 3-9 - Parent's Guide to Children's TV; Walter Matthau; Trump (126810019796)
1900 Harper's Weekly original print only - Aguinaldo of the Philippines (176492820930)
1968 TV Guide March 9 - Jackie Gleason; Paul Revere and Raiders; Gomer; E MacRae (122121109523)
1929 Judge November 30 - Puritan girl; Jumping out of windows; DUI Snuff (125445208009)
1941 Womans Home Companion August - Swimmer Diver; Nazis in Italy; Joel McCrea; (176732716446)
1955 Life November 21 - Jayne Mansfield; Susan Strasberg; Navy to Antarctica (121788063625)
1949 LOOK February 1 Smith College; Arthur Godfrey (110496861334)
1957 Life October 21-Sputnick is launched; Milwaukee Braves win the world Series (172646149569)
1938 Life March 21 - Austria goes Nazi; Stanford super basketball; Wheeling WVA (173136515731)
1979 Time March 19 Carter seeks peace for Israel-Egypt (110493641396)
1972 Life September 22 - George C. Scott; Boxer Floyd Patterson; The first ABM (170902512450)
1900 Harper's Weekly original print only - Stay out of the Philippines (126596608622)
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