Portugal 2 Large Censor Covers

Portugal   2 Large  Censor Covers

Sold by garykun

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Item ships from Webster NY USA

Browse all: Portugal & Colonies

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Portugal Guine nice franking first flght cover to US (364406353821)
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Portugal Angola 2 postal cards unused (363485716844)
Angola large cover 3 stamps to US (363402040971)
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Porugal large cover to US (134419464513)
Macau letter sheet unused revalued (365079168535)
Portugal censor cover to US (134055785836)
Portugal 2 postal cards used (365096342009)
Portugal India postal card used (134580783544)
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Portugal India early postal card unused (364901543568)
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Portugal 2 post cards, nice franking (364499258467)
Portugal India large cover to stamp dealer (135033615158)
Portugal air letter sheet censor to US HM0208 (363013624517)
Macau air letter sheet to US (134244010769)
Portugal 3 early postal cards unused (133661449034)
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Portugal 2 nice franking covers (134726242774)
Portugal long cover censor to US, RKO Radio films ad cover (364738619559)
Angola nice cover to US (363358195329)
Portugal 2 postal letter cards green 25r and blue 50r unused MS0608 (131577243144)
Angola cover to US MS1113 (132877632583)
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Macau postal card overprinted unused (364833231528)
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Portugal #24 used nice stamp (365253085820)
Macau 2 air letter sheets canceled (135038770853)
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Portugal 3 first flight covers, with airmail stamps (134536733459)
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Angola 2 covers, one to Belgian Congo (363848805565)
Portugal Macau postal letter card unused 2 cent (134941095278)
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Portugal India cover to England (364349652579)
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Mozambique Company cover FRONT to England (133942397143)
Portugal India postal card unused (135203622979)
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Macau cover to US MS0424 (362440177654)
Portugal Angola 2 air letter sheets unused MS0929 (362488589870)
Portugal India nice advertising postal card 1936 (134359217980)
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