2017 $1 Bill Fancy Serial Number, Birthday Date Note June 07, 1989 06071989

2017 $1 Bill Fancy Serial Number, Birthday Date Note June 07, 1989 06071989

Sold by beachside937

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Item ships from Satellite Beach FL USA

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fancy serial number 1 dollar bill birthday.. January 8th 1989🔥
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2017 $1 bill fancy serial, binary double quad 2s and 0s, 22220000 (167022135189)
2017A $1 bill fancy serial number, birthday note 1988616, June 16, 1988 (166569722971)
2013 $1 bill fancy serial, birthday date note 19550415, April 15, 1955 (167091233178)
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2021 $1 bill fancy serial, birthday date tens note 30607060. March 06, 1976 (167091260903)
2021 $1 bill fancy serial, birthday date tens note 30607050. March 06, 1975 (167091261861)
2013 $1 J series star note, low 250,000 run AND total printed. Rare star note. (166747732903)
2013 $1 bill fancy serial number, full 8 digit radar (palindrome) note 41855814 (166866959876)
2017 A $1 bill fancy serial number, quad repeater, double date February 6, 1984 (166972276464)
2017 A $1 bill fancy serial number, birthday date note September 21, 1953 092153 (166570664597)
2017A $1 star note fancy serial number birthday note, F00218050* Feb 18, 2005 (166559686592)
2021 $1 bill fancy serial number, birthday date note 06032013 June 03, 2013 (166972293307)
2013 $1 bill fancy serial number, birthday date note April 21, 2021 04212021 (166857022122)
2013 $1 bill fancy serial, trinary five 5 in a row, six 6 of a kind 0s 90000050 (167091381279)
2021 $1 bill fancy serial number, retirement date note 09132055 Sept 13, 2055 (166811720042)
2017 A $1 bill fancy serial number, birthday date note 20042801 January 28, 2004 (166570615325)
2009 $1 bill fancy serial number birthday date note, 11082025, Nov 08, 2025 (166984063804)
2021 $1 bill fancy serial number, retirement date note 09132061 Sept 13, 2061 (166811730515)
2013 $1 bill fancy serial number, binary 1s and 4s, F 14144111 E almost radar (166483194290)
2017A $1 bill fancy serial number trailing five in a row lucky 7s, G61577777B (166559959039)
2017 A $1 bill fancy serial number, quad repeater, double date August 2, 2003 (166857099509)
2017A $1 bill fancy serial, trinary five 5 in a row, six 6 of a kind 2s 42222252 (167091366152)
2021 $1 bill fancy serial, birthday date note 06280076. June 28, 1976 (167091429807)
2017A $1 bill fancy serial number trinary trailing five in a row 1s, F86611111D (166559702505)
2021 $1 bill fancy serial, birthday date note 32219790 March 22, 1979 (167091300933)
2021 $1 bill fancy serial number, birthday date note 021158 Feb 11, 1958 (167014583421)
2017 A $1 bill fancy serial number, birthday date note, 063024 June 30, 2024 (167014589073)
2017 A $1 bill fancy serial number, attractive true trinary 0s 1s 2s, 12022120 (166856891448)
2021 $1 bill fancy low serial, birthday date note, 00004870 April 08, 1970 quad0 (167091478322)
2017 $1 bill fancy serial number, trinary radar 42144124 (palindrome) (166972288492)
2021 $1 bill fancy serial number, birthday date note, 071476 July 14, 1976 (167014585657)
2009 $1 bill fancy serial number trinary quad repeater 5s 3s and 7s, May 3, 1975 (166856795617)
2017 A $1 bill fancy serial number, birthday note 062844, June 28, 1944 miscut (166788660855)
2017 A $1 B series star note, fancy low serial number, quad 0s, March 09, 2005 (166531714893)
2013 $1 bill fancy serial number, binary 1s and 5s D11155155F (166878270853)
2017 $1 bill fancy serial number, binary 3s and 5s, G 53335335 A (166811558103)
2017 $1 bill fancy serial number, binary 3s and 5s, H 35335533 A (166483160542)
2021 $1 bill fancy serial number, birthday date note 07151954 July 15, 1954 (166811669167)
2017 $1 bill fancy serial number, birthday date note 19971007, October 07, 1997 (166984074462)
2013 $1 bill low run star note 250,000 run. Scarce note. Condition issues. (166810610701)
2021 $1 bill fancy serial, trinary 30400034 (167079594667)
2017 A $1 bill fancy serial number, lucky paired 8s ladder 3-6 38845886 (166654028296)
2021 $1 bill fancy serial, historic war date note July 07, 1758, Ft. Ticonderoga (167091171096)
2017 $1 bill fancy serial number, lucky date note 88194088 August 08, 1940 (166867180360)
2017 A $1 bill fancy serial number, tombstone note Lewis C.E. Baumer 1870 - 1963 (166570336867)
2013 $1 bill fancy serial number, tombstone date note K19922022E, 1992 - 2022 (166878283502)
2017 $1 bill fancy serial number, birthday note 13081956 August 13, 1956 (166570465756)
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2017 $1 bill fancy serial number, trinary radar 45466454, '66 Chevy Impala 454 (166890956382)
2017 $1 bill fancy serial, birthday date note 27021983. Feb 27, 1983 (167091289885)
2017 $1 bill fancy serial number, birthday date note Sept 02, 1955 ( 090255 ) (166726245566)
2017 $1 bill fancy serial lucky birthday date note 21466 Feb 14, 1966 Valentines (167091281169)
2021 $1 bill fancy serial number, birthday note April 27, 2007, 042707 (166747615407)
2017 A $1 bill fancy serial number, 7 digit trinary radar 77746477 (166788706563)
2021 $1 bill fancy serial number, birthday date note 75751001, October 01, 1975 (166984082108)
2017 $1 bill fancy serial number, 72nd birthday note June 12, 1952 (166626914439)
2017 A $1 fancy serial number, trinary, hybrid repeater and pairs (166627142243)
2013 $1 bill fancy serial birthday note C 03135173 D March 13, 1951 73 this year (166550257710)
2021 $1 bill fancy serial number lucky quad 7s birthday date note April 08, 1943 (166984090954)
2013 $1 bill fancy serial number, tombstone date note, 1935 - 1974 (166654036350)
2017 A $1 star note, F16039701*, low run of 250,000 (166878244180)
2017 A $1 bill fancy serial number, birthday date note 05142022 May 14, 2022 (166447725493)
2017 A $1 bill fancy serial birthday note, L 03021951 A March 02, 1951 (166810623402)
2017 $1 bill fancy serial number birthday date note, 10071980 October 07, 1980 (166864340535)
2017 $1 bill fancy serial birthday note, E 09061992 A, September 6, 1992 (166543976104)
2017 A $1 bill fancy serial birthday note, 02122008, February 12, 2008 (166654161234)
2017 A $1 bill fancy serial birthday note, D 04221914 C April 22, 1914 Veracruz (166810633308)
2017 $1 bill fancy serial number birthday note, F 03152020 E, March 15, 2020 (166481305201)
2017 A $1 bill fancy serial, birthday date note, year 2015, quad 0s (167073384495)
2009 $1 bill fancy serial number, tombstone date note B 20121982 F, 1982 - 2012 (166924245091)
2009 $1 bill fancy serial number, tombstone date note J19732015A, 1973 - 2015 (166481377897)
2017 A $1 bill fancy serial, birthday date note 80050280. May 02, 1980 (167091241737)
2017 A $1 bill fancy serial, birthday date note 44331990, April, 03 1990 (167091177725)
2009 $1 bill fancy serial number birthday note, L 00986900 K, September 08, 1969 (166559548071)
2013 $1 bill fancy serial number, trailing 5 in a row (6 of a kind) 4s 94344444 (166924231345)
2021 $1 bill fancy serial number, trinary quad 9s, 8s and 4s, 89999844 (167014618131)
Lot of (2) $1 bill lower run star notes, 2017 and 2017A 500,000 runs (166725985362)
2017 A $1 bill fancy serial number, zip code note 18769 Wilkes-Barre, PA (166798794522)
2013 $1 bill fancy serial number, 6 of a kind, trailing 5 in a row 4s 64844444 (166856926959)
2009 $1 bill fancy low(er) serial number, birthday note 011206 January 12, 2006 (166627078484)
2017 $1 bill fancy serial number birthday note, F 05291936 F May 29, 1936 (166531917795)
2021 $1 bill fancy serial, paired wrap-around chunky ladder 30112233 (167073405123)
2021 $1 bill fancy serial number, bookended triple double down ladder (166654190046)
2017 $1 bill fancy serial number, near double quad flipper 6s & 9s (166654057927)
2017 $1 bill fancy serial number, birthday date note 22081993 August 22, 1993 (167014577820)
2021 $1 bill fancy serial number, birthday date note May 01, 2024 00050124 (166750900641)
Lot of (2) $1 bill fancy serial number, complete scattered mixed ladder, 2 to 9 (166543960543)
2017 $1 bill fancy serial number, true trinary 0s 1s 2s 02101002 two digit radar (166984054793)
2017 $1 bill fancy serial number, zip code note 13615, Brownville, NY (166973876298)
2017 A $1 bill fancy serial number, zip code note 27130 Winston-Salem, NC (166906214431)
2013 $50 bill fancy serial number, birthday date note 12131964 Dec 13, 1964 (166972135296)
2017A $1 bill fancy serial number five in a row 7s G 37777756 D Lucky 7s (166461062884)
2009 $1 bill fancy low serial number, quad leading 0s birthday note May 03, 2022 (166639676247)
Pair (2) $1 bills fancy serial number, quad 8s, 5 of a kind 8s, one trinary (166627512735)
2021 $1 bill fancy serial number, trinary 94424449, almost-er super radar (166891089724)
2021 $1 bill fancy serial number, birthday date note April 4, 1989 repeater (166726265865)
2013 $1 bill fancy serial number, scattered broken ladder 3 to 9 and 1, no 2 (166569702897)
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