Little Big - John Crowley (rare 1st Hc Edition) Bantam Books, 1997 Bce

Little Big - John Crowley (rare 1st Hc Edition) Bantam Books, 1997 Bce

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The Infinite Dream - Allan W. Eckert (1st edition) JSF, 2011 (166997157291)
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Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets - J. K. Rowling (Bloomsbury, 1998) UK tpb (166873295230)
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The King Within - Robert Moore & Douglas Gillette (1st ed.) William Morrow, 1992 (166987409497)
The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power - Vernon Howard (Warner Books, ca. 1976) (167086668758)
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Rosemary’s Baby - Ira Levin (1st BCE early print, 34J) Random House, 1967 (166956003262)
The UFO Controversy in America - David Michael Jacobs (1st/7th) Indiana, 1975 (167055136562)
James & The Giant Peach - Roald Dahl (1st edition early print) Knopf, 1961 (166946805267)
A Court of Thorns & Roses - Sarah J. Maas (Bloomsbury, 2016) OOP tpb edition (166976617892)
*ARC / Uncorrected Proof* A Song for Arbonne - Guy Gavriel Kay (Crown, 1992) (166598840987)
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The Drops of God vol. 1, 3, 4 - Tadashi Agi (1st edition) Vertical, 2011 & 2012 (167108670152)
Wheel Of Time Complete HC set - Robert Jordan & Sanderson (1st ed. varied print) (166613721584)
*Signed* Queen of Nothing - Holly Black (Barnes & Noble exculsive ed.) 1st print (166997165914)
Grizzlies Don’t Come Easy - Ralph W. Young (1st edition) Winchester Press, 1981 (166220703153)
Z-80 Microcomputer Handbook - William Barden Jr. (1st/2nd) Howard W. Sams, 1979 (166446175273)
*Signed* The Notebook - Nicholas Sparks (1st edition 1st print HC) (165638444028)
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld - Patricia McKillip (1st edition 2nd print HC) (166039177464)
African Presence in Early America - Ivan Van Sertima (Transaction, 1992) tpb (166972274352)
The Sentinel - Jeffrey Konvitz (1st mmpb edition, 1st print) Ballantine, 1976 (165834468398)
Tithe - Holly Black (1st edition 1st print HC) Simon & Schuster, 2002 / OOP (167122708271)
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