Canada 1812 Vf Mnh 46c Dove Hologram Millennium 1999 Issue Pane Of 4

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Canada 249-262 Fresh F/VF MH set, KGVI War issues CV $149.85 $47.99 CAD
Canada Mint MNH lot of 200 x 32c stamps $64 face value FV Discount Postage $47.99 CAD
Canada Mint MNH lot of 100 x 52c stamps $52 face value FV Discount Postage $38.99 CAD
Canada 586a, BK74 T5 MNH booklet pane, G2aR 1-bar tag error, misperf, weak print $9.99 CAD
Canada 89i Mint hinged 1c deep green King Edward VII single CV $20 $9.99 CAD
Canada 1995 Thematic Collection #67 Second World War - 1945, commemorating WWII $9.99 CAD
Canada 89 Mint hinged 1c green King Edward VII single CV $20 $9.99 CAD
Canada 702ii var VF MNH 'Break in rigging' variety on NF paper, pos. 10 CV $20 $9.99 CAD
Canada 211-216 Fresh F/VF MH set, KGV 1935 Silver Jubilee issue CV $26.25 $9.99 CAD
Canada 1171a/1180a VF MNH set of Medium-value Mammal definitives booklet singles $9.99 CAD
Canada 1351 VF MNH block with shadow DOUBLE printing EFO error 3c Edible Berries $9.99 CAD
Canada 263i VF MNH jump strip of 4, slight wrinkles/light internal creases CV$15 $5.99 CAD
Canada 1989 Thematic Collection #41 Mushrooms of Canada $5.99 CAD
Canada 1256b VF MNH booklet pane pair with inscriptions, Christmas 1989 CV $12 $5.99 CAD
Canada Toronto 3-89iv Fine used precancel with hairlines, BCP printing variety $5.99 CAD
Canada 332 VF MNH end strip of 2 plus 10 labels 3c carmine QEII Karsh coil issue $29.99 CAD
Canada 160-161 Fresh MNH set of KGV Scroll issue coil singles CV $60 $29.99 CAD
Canada 716iii VF MNH UL corner block with 'Raised eyebrow' variety at position 1 $29.99 CAD
Canada 159 Fine to F/VF MH/NH block, $1 olive green Parliament CV $1612.50 $599.99 CAD
Canada 231/248 Fresh F/VF MH sets, KGVI 1937-1939 issues CV $176+ $59.99 CAD
Canada Mint MNH lot of 200 x 40c stamps $80 face value FV Discount Postage $59.99 CAD
Canada Mint NH lot of complete sheets/panes $458+ face value FV Discount Postage $369.99 CAD
Canada 1350vi VF MNH 'Snake in the bush' variety from column 1 $2.99 CAD
Canada 1349iv VF MNH 'Snake in the grass' variety from column 1 $2.99 CAD
Canada 649ii VF MNH single on LF smooth paper, 15c UPU 1974 issue $2.99 CAD
Canada 362, 362i VF MNH singles on vertically and horizontally ribbed papers $2.99 CAD
Canada O46-O49 Fresh MNH G official overprinted QEII Cameo definitive set $2.99 CAD
Canada 1352vi VF MNH 'Rose thorn' variety from column 8 $2.99 CAD
Canada 2106a VF MNH Biosphere Reserves 2005 Ireland joint issue S/S $2.99 CAD
Canada 746i VF NH strip of 3 with 'Extra rigging' variety at position 13 $3.99 CAD
Canada 559i VF MNH UL plate block 'Dot by leg' constant variety from position 12 $3.99 CAD
Canada 667i-ii VF MNH singles with varieties, 8c Calgary Stampede $3.99 CAD
Canada 693vi, 693a VF MNH LL PB with 'Red Thread' constant variety at pos. 42 $3.99 CAD
Canada 692ii, 693a VF MNH LR PB with 'Spots on Flag' constant variety at pos. 40 $3.99 CAD
Canada 973iii VF MNH UL corner block of 9, Orange background Repellex Error EFO $449.99 CAD
Canada 900i-901i-902i VF MNH set of singles on LF paper, Christmas 1981 issue $8.99 CAD
Canada 3042 VF MNH Toronto Maple Leafs NHL $5 Hockey Jersey logo S/S sealed pack $8.99 CAD
Canada 280i VF NH coil jump strip, perf 9.5 KGVI War Issue CV $135 $89.99 CAD
Canada 141/302 Unused lot of 1927-51 KGV-KGVI issues up to $ values CV $633+ $89.99 CAD
Canada 532 VF MNH upper block of 6, unlisted shadow DOUBLE PRINTING of black $89.99 CAD
Canada 245 Fine MH $1 Chateau Ramezay 1938 high value $19.99 CAD
Canada 700vi VF MNH se-tenant block with 'Seagull' variety at position 3 CV $26+ $19.99 CAD
Canada 153 F/VF NH block of 4, 5c deep violet KGV Scroll issue CV $104 $19.99 CAD
Canada 205-207 Fresh F/VF MH set, KGV Medallion coil issue CV $55 $19.99 CAD
Canada 1183, 1183i VF MNH plate #1 and 2 singles $5 Bonsecours Market high value $19.99 CAD
Canada 1999 Thematic Collection #85 Lunar New Year of the Rabbit TC85 $19.99 CAD
Canada 1980 Thematic Collection #15 Singing songs to the spirit TC15 $19.99 CAD
Canada Mint MNH lot of 100 x 64c stamps $64 face value FV Discount Postage $49.99 CAD
Canada 872i VF MNH UL corner single, 'Dot above S' variety from position 1 $4.99 CAD
Canada 707 VF MNH singles with colour shift printing EFO variety 2c Floral issue $4.99 CAD
Canada 620i VF MNH single on HB paper, 8c silver Royal Visit 1973 issue CV $7.50 $4.99 CAD
Canada 2540a VF MNH $2 S/S, QEII Diamond Jubilee 2012 issue $4.99 CAD
Canada 1173i VF MNH single on Harrison paper, 57c Mammal CV $5 $4.99 CAD
Canada 1081i VF MNH single on F paper, 42c Linen Chest definitive CV $5 $4.99 CAD
Canada Mint MNH lot of 200 x 48c stamps $96 face value FV Discount Postage $71.99 CAD
Canada Mint NH lot 90 complete booklets $423.69 face value FV Discount Postage $339.99 CAD
Canada 217-227 Fresh F/VF MH set, KGV 1935 Pictorial issue CV $136+ $45.99 CAD
Canada 135 Fresh F/VF MH single, 3c brown 1917 Confederation issue CV $45 $14.99 CAD
Canada 1952i, 1953i VF MNH Tourist unfolded strips of 5 from Annual Collection $14.99 CAD
Canada 1166c VF MNH scarce perf 12.7 x 13.1, December 1990 printing 39c Flag $14.99 CAD
Canada 1992 Thematic Collection #55 Struggle and Triumph- At the Olympics $14.99 CAD
Canada 2448 VF MNH pane of 12, Signs of the Zodiac 2013 issue, scarce full pane $69.99 CAD
Canada 1172d VF MNH single, scarce perf 13.1 Mammal 45c Pronghorn CV $27.50 $18.99 CAD
Canada 62 VF MH $2 dark purple QV 1897 Jubilee single, light crease CV $2000 $499.99 CAD
Canada 60 VF MNH 50c ultramarine QV 1897 Jubilee issue CV $1500 $499.99 CAD
Canada Mint MNH lot of 200 x 45c stamps $90 face value FV Discount Postage $67.49 CAD
Canada 262 VF MNH block of 4, $1 blue Destroyer KGVI War Issue CV $480 $119.99 CAD
Canada 160 VF mint NH 1c orange KGV Scroll issue coil pair CV $240 $119.99 CAD
Canada 78 Fine NH right margin block of 10, 3c red QV Numeral tone spots CV $800 $119.99 CAD
Canada Mint MNH lot of 200 x 37c stamps $74 face value FV Discount Postage $55.49 CAD
Canada 337p-341p VF MNH set of Winnipeg Tagged QEII Wilding definitives $6.99 CAD
Canada 2073ai VF MNH 85c Flower gutter strip of 4 'F over O' inscriptions CV $10 $6.99 CAD
Canada 587 VF MNH pair with Pre-Printing Paper Fold PPF error, 2c green Laurier $74.99 CAD
Canada 229 VF MH coil pair, 2c brown KGV 1935 issue CV $50 $24.99 CAD
Canada Mint MNH lot of 100 x 68c stamps $68 face value FV Discount Postage $51.99 CAD
Canada Mint MNH lot of 200 x 39c stamps $78 face value FV Discount Postage $58.49 CAD
Canada 847ii VF MNH single with 'Border patrol' variety at position 5 $1.99 CAD
Canada 2238a VF MNH Beneficial Insects 2007 issue S/S Souvenir Sheet $1.99 CAD
Canada 1559-1561 VF MNH Group of Seven 1995 issue set of 3 S/S $12.99 CAD
Canada 57 VF MNH 10c brown violet QV 1897 Jubilee issue CV $750 $249.99 CAD
Canada Mint MNH lot of 200 x 42c stamps $84 face value FV Discount Postage $62.99 CAD
Canada CE1-CE4 VF MH set of Special Delivery Airmail 1942-1946 issues $11.99 CAD
Canada 53, 53i F mint H 3c bright rose & rose red shades, slip prints CV $20+ $11.99 CAD
Canada 1174i VF MNH single on Slater paper, perf 14.4 x 13.8, 59c Mammal CV $15 $11.99 CAD
Canada 1035i/a VF MNH UR PB, 'Scratch in sky' Lighthouse variety at position 9 $7.99 CAD
Canada 1995 Thematic Collection #68 Farm & Frontier Historic Vehicles TC68 $7.99 CAD
Canada 205i F NH line pair, 1c green KGV Medallion 1933 coil issue CV $41+ $15.99 CAD
Canada 143/210 F-VF MNH/H lot of blocks, 1927-1934 issues, mostly NH CV $139.75 $27.99 CAD
Canada Mint MNH lot of 100 x 60c stamps $60 face value FV Discount Postage $44.99 CAD
Canada 249-262 VF NH KGVI War Issue set CV $256.50 $79.99 CAD
Canada 267i VF MNH jump strip of 5, 4c dark carmine War Issue coil CV $105 $52.99 CAD
Canada 505 T1 VF MNH single with W2aC 1-bar tag error, only 16 known! CV $300 $199.99 CAD
Canada 882a VF MNH UL PB with DOUBLE printing of all inscription colours $39.99 CAD
Canada 91 VF NH 5c blue on bluish paper Edward VII single, minor scuffs CV $1225 $239.99 CAD
Canada 162-175 Choice VF NH KGV Arch/Leaf issue short set to 20c CV $481 $169.99 CAD
Canada 1989i, 1990i VF MNH Tourist unfolded strips of 5 from Annual Collection $17.99 CAD
Canada 261 VF MNH LL plate #1 pair, 50c violet War Issue CV $120 $41.99 CAD
Canada 263 F NH end strip of 2 plus 10 blank tabs, 1c green War Issue perf 8 $16.99 CAD
Canada 263 F/VF NH start strip of 10 plus 2 blank tabs on green paper CV $43+ $21.99 CAD