Wc1_25591.germany. 1951 Wuppertal Philat. Expo Set. Sc. B318-b319. Mh

Wc1_25591.germany. 1951 Wuppertal Philat. Expo Set. Sc. B318-b319. Mh

Sold by mrn_1961

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Browse all: Germany & Colonies

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WC1_24897.GERMAN EAST AFRICA. 1896 ovpt. cplt. set. Sc. 6-10. Used (196741651049)
WC1_17821. GERMANY-UPPER SILESIA. Valuable & rare 1920 stamps. Used (205014718902)
GER_19 - GERMANY. 1937 GERMAN DICTATOR souvenir sheet. (205019511141)
WC1_10879. GERMAN STATES: HAMBURG. 1864 2 1/2 s. imperf. stamp. Scott 12. Used (205011616650)
WC1_10889. GERMAN STATES: HELIGOLAND. 1869-71 1/2 sch. stamp. Scott 5. Used (205011620652)
WC1_18211. DANZIG (GERMANY). Small valuable lot of 1924 & 1930 stamps. MH/Used (205014704268)
WC1_25607.GERMANY-BERLIN. 1951 ALBERT LORTZING stamp. Sc.9N69. MH (196718206693)
WC1_24921.GERMANY. 1943 MEMORIAL DAY set. Sc.B218-B229. Used (205038318875)
WC1_24900.GERMAN STATES: SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN. 1864 1 1/4 green stamp.Sc.8. Used (196718160435)
GER_105 - GERMANY. 1951 commemorative set. Used (196681097787)
WC1_25585.GERMANY. Nice lot of 1997-1998 mini sheets. MNH (196718189128)
WC1_15871. GERMANY. SLESVIG. Rare 1920 plebiscit stamps. MH/Used (196674638435)
GER_73 - GERMANY. Lot 1978/1979 stamps. MNH (205019372772)
WC1_24915.GERMANY. Pair of 1955 stamps. Sc. 725,726. MNH (196718170998)
WC1_1312 GERMANY: BERLIN. 1962 BUILDINGS & VIEWS. Scott 9N196-9N207. Used (205009616988)
GER_117 - GERMANY. 1952 OTTO MOTOR stamp. Used (196681108858)
WC1_24906.GERMANY: BERLIN. 1955 SHIP set. Sc.9N113-9N114. MNH (205038310659)
WC1_24927.GERMANY. 1926-1927 1m air mail stamp. Sc. C32. Used (205038320537)
WC1_25587.GERMANY. 1949 CENTEN. 1st POSTAGE stamp. Sc. B309. MH-MLH (196718190355)
GER_82 - GERMANY. 1975 souvenir minisheet (2). MNH (205019373733)
GER_129 - GERMANY. 1952 PHILIPP REISS stamp. Used (196681121449)
GER_127 - GERMANY. 1952 PHILIPP REISS stamp. Used (205019423586)
GER_130 - GERMANY. 1952 PHILIPP REISS stamp. Used (196681123410)
GER_128 - GERMANY. 1952 PHILIPP REISS stamp. Used (205019424200)
GER_114 - GERMANY. 1951 ROENGTEN stamp. Used (196681106205)
GER_116 - GERMANY. 1952 OTTO MOTOR stamp. Used (196681107516)
GER_113 - GERMANY. 1951 ROENGTEN stamp. Used (205019417770)
GER_118 - GERMANY. 1952 OTTO MOTOR stamp. Used (196681109903)
WC1_10736. GERMANY. Valuable 1923 ovpt. cplt. set. Scott 241-278. Used & MH (196668785690)
WC1_25599.GERMANY-BERLIN. 1957 PRO BERLIN ORCHESTRA set. Sc. 9NB6-9NB7. MH (196718203233)
WC1_1309 GERMANY: BERLIN. Valuable lot of 1950s-1960s stamps & sets. MNH (205009595699)
WC1_25609.GERMANY-BERLIN. 1953-1954 stamps. Sc. 9N99-9N100, 9N104. MH (196718213199)
GER_159 - GERMANY. Late 1970s booklet. MNH (205019377084)
WC1_10729. GERMANY. Valuable 1916-19 GERMANIA set. Scott 96-101, 90. Used (205011649796)
WC1_24911.GERMANY. 1938 UNION OF AUSTRIA & GERMANY set. Sc. 484-485. MNH (205038313387)
GER_121 - GERMANY. 1952 CARL SCHURZ stamp. Used (196681111171)
WC1_24917.GERMANY. 1919 semi-postal ovpt. set. Sc.B1-B2. MNH (196718172377)
WC1_15780. GERMANY. Small lot of 1938 franchise stamps. MH/Used (205015177134)
WC1_24920.GERMANY. 1941 BROWN RIBBON HORSE RACE stamp. Sc.B192. MLH (205038318498)
WC1_24908.GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA. 1906 10pf rose stamp. Sc. 28. Used (205038312693)
GER_133 - GERMANY. 1953 HENRI DUNANT stamp. Used. (205019431770)
GER_132 - GERMANY. 1953 HENRI DUNANT stamp. Used. (196681125402)
GER_146 - GERMANY. 1954 stamp (2). Used (205019374709)
GER_196 - GERMANY. 1976 CHRISTMAS - NATIVITY souvenir sheet. Used (196681094800)
GER_161 - GERMANY. 1975 set. Used on paper fragment. (205019378167)
GER_170 - GERMANY. 1974 souvenir sheet. MNH (205019379600)
GER_152 - GERMANY. Early 1970s set. MNH (196681075171)
GER_173 - GERMANY. 1975 souvenir sheet. MNH (205019383342)
WC1_12898. GERMANY. Small lot of 2005 stamps. MNH (196670525401)
GER_192 - GERMANY. 1976 CHRISTMAS - NATIVITY souvenir sheet. Used (196681093587)
GER_175 - GERMANY. 1975 souvenir sheet. Used on paper fragment (196681081841)
WC1_10742. GERMANY. Valuable lot of 1930 & 1932 sets.Scott 385-386,391-396. Used (196668814015)
WC1_10733. GERMANY. Valuable lot of 1921-1923 stamps. Used. A few MH (196668772497)
GER_142 - GERMANY. 1953 IFRABA set. Used (205019431307)
WC1_10739. GERMANY. Valuable 1923-1924 cplt. sets. MH & Used. (196668805823)
WAM_1240. GERMAN DEM. REP. Lot of air mail stamps. Scott C1-C16. Used & MNH (205012029482)
WC1_10743. GERMANY. Valuable lot of 1920-1923 official sets. Used. A few MH (196668819581)
WC1_25610.GERMANY-BERLIN. 1951 BELL set. Sc. 9N70-9N74. MLH (205038344470)
WC1_10882. GERMAN STATES: HANOVER. 1850 1 g. imperf. stamp. Scott 1. Used (196668664407)
GER_95 - GERMANY. 1949 stamp. Used (205019412420)
WC1_17778. GERMANY (PRUSSIA). Valuable lot of 1850-1856 stamps. Sc. 3-5. Used (196674098795)
GER_94 - GERMANY. 1949 stamp. Used (196681095795)
WC1_24923.GERMANY. 1951 NATL. PHILATELIC EXPO set. Sc.B318-B319. MLH (196718181220)
WC1_12542. GERMAN COL.: KIAUTSCHOU. 20 cent.1905 YACHT stamp. Scott 27. MH (196670980439)
WC1_25601.GERMAN COL.:MARIANE. Rare 1900 ovpt. set. Sc. 11-16. MH-MNH w. cert. (205058194529)
WC1_641 SPECIAL COLLECTION. GERMANY. Valuable 1919 SEID EINIG stamps w. ovpts. (205010119693)
WC1_15773. GERMANY. Valuable lot of 1872-1920 stamps. Used (196674632745)
WC1_24935.GERMANY.SAAR. 1932 air mail set. Sc. C3-C4. MH (205058190832)
GER_38 - GERMANY. 1926 2 mark air mail stamp. Used (205019452963)
WC1_12271. GERMANY: SAAR. Valuable lot of 1923-1927 stamps. Used (196671117575)
WC1_1314 GERMANY: BERLIN. Valuable lot of 1960s-1970s stamps & sets. MNH (196664808158)
GER_97 - GERMANY. 1949 75th UPU anniversary stamp. Used on paper fragment (196681096832)
WC1_25586.GERMANY. Extremely rare 1933 ovpt. souvenir sheet. Sc. B58. MNH (196741656291)
WC1_10737. GERMANY. Valuable 1923 cplt. set. Scott 280-299. Used (196668795164)
WC1_10875. GERMAN STATES: HAMBURG. 1859 1 s. imperf. stamp. Scott 2. Used (205011615064)
WC1_10601. GERMANY-SAAR. Valuable lot of 1957 stamps. Scott 283-308. MNH/Used (196669144285)
GER_7 - GERMANY. BAYERN. 1876 1 mark stamp. Used (205019440572)
WC1_10723. GERMANY. Valuable 1875-77 set. Scott 29-35. Used (196668761529)
WC1_11553. GERMANY. 1936 HORSE RACE souv. sheet. Scott B90. MNH/-T (196668257265)
GER_6 - GERMANY. BAYERN. 1876 2 mark stamp. Used (196681152223)
GER_5 - GERMANY. BAYERN. 1876 2 mark stamp. Used (196681151740)
WC1_14537. GERMANY: 2007 Small lot of sheets Sc.2445,2456. MNH (205013553397)
WC1_10710. GERMANY. Valuable 1 Kr. 1872 stamp. Scott 7. Used (196668750831)
WC1_12269. GERMANY: SAAR. Valuable lot of 1921-1922 stamps. Used (196671118705)
WC1_25600.GERMANY-BERLIN. 1952 PRE OLYMPIC FESTIVAL set. Sc. 9N81-9N83. MH (205038337385)
GER_18 - GERMANY. 1939 VENETIAN WOMAN stamp. Mint (205019356929)
GER_140 - GERMANY. Stamp of 1953 MUNICH EXHIB. TRANSPORT/COMMUNICATION set. Used (196681131662)
GER_141 - GERMANY. Stamp of 1953 MUNICH EXHIB. TRANSPORT/COMMUNICATION set. Used (196681133363)
GER_135 - GERMANY. 1953 JUSTIN VON LIEBIG stamp.Used (196681127129)
GER_136 - GERMANY. 1953 JUSTIN VON LIEBIG stamp.Used (196681128171)
WC1_24896.GERMANY. WURTTEMBERG. 1949 20pf UPU ANNIVERSARY stamp. Sc.8N40. Used (196718159855)
WAM_1021. SAAR. 1948 air mail set. Scott C9-C11. Used (196684486511)
GER_16 - GERMANY. 1928-32 EBERT - VON HINDENBURG set. Mint & MNH (205019444800)
GER_3 - GERMANY. BREMEN. 1856 5 Gr. stamp. Mint (205019439231)
GER_37 - GERMANY. 1924 100 pf air mail stamp. Used (205019451806)
WC1_9510. GERMAN STATES: BREMEN. Valuable 1860 stamp. Scott 4. Used (205011246349)
GER_2 - GERMANY. BADEN. 1862 9 Kreuzer stamp. Used (196681149754)
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