Austria 3182 Mint/mnh 2015 Invention

Sold by prophila

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Austria 2297,2298 mint/MNH 1999 special st $2.05 USD
Austria 2728 mint/MNH 2008 Tyrolean Landestrachtenverband $2.01 USD
Austria 2683 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 2007 Eagles $2.01 USD
Austria 2910 used 2011 Franz Liszt $2.01 USD
Austria 2780 mint/MNH 2008 Warenzeichen: Men $1.67 USD
Austria 2269,2271 (complete issue) used 1998 special stamps $1.67 USD
Austria 2347 mint/MNH 2001 UNHCR $1.67 USD
Austria 2483,2484 used 2004 Folklore, Zawinul $2.95 USD
Austria 20 used 1860 Franz Joseph $10.00 USD
Austria 1926,1927,1928 (complete.Expenditure) mint/MNH 1988 $1.06 USD
Austria 2088 (complete.issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 1993 Peter Mitterhof $1.06 USD
Austria 2619 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 2006 Aktgemälde $2.47 USD
Austria 2549 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 2005 Art $2.47 USD
Austria 1025 with hinge 1956 United Nations $1.17 USD
Austria 130 used 1905 Franz Joseph $3.41 USD
austria.-Post Crete 3A fine used / cancelled 1903 print edition (10100275 $13.14 USD
Austria 2968 mint/MNH 2011 Westbahnhof $1.98 USD
Austria 2885 mint/MNH 2010 Eisenstadt $1.44 USD
Austria 100 different stamps out the Years 1945 until 1970 $10.15 USD
Austria 2664 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 2007 Mariazell $1.36 USD
Austria 2646 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 2007 Kondulenzmarke $1.36 USD
austria.-Bosnia-herzegovina. 36 used 1906 Views $3.36 USD
austria.-Bosnia-herzegovina. P12a with hinge 1904 Numbers (9590765 $3.36 USD
Austria 2642 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 2007 Violence $3.10 USD
Austria 2641 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 2007 Paintings $3.66 USD
Stamps Austria 2019 Mi 3478 mint MNH 2019 Rowing $3.66 USD
Austria P118 mint/MNH 1922 Postage stamps $1.10 USD
Austria 2643 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 2007 Customs $2.19 USD
austria.-Bosnia-herzegovina. 30C dentate L 9 1/4 used (9356132 $3.97 USD
Stamps Austria 2009 Mi 2795 mint MNH 2009 technical Museum Vienna $8.39 USD
Austria 3206 mint/MNH 2015 Theresia $6.82 USD
Austria block3 FDC 1976 Burgtheater $1.30 USD
Austria 2773 (complete issue) fine used / cancelled 2008 Voralberger e (9798053 $14.08 USD
Austria 2854 mint never hinged mnh 2010 Prince Eugen of Savoy $2.77 USD
Austria 653 Favor devaluation used 1937 Austrian Doctors $2.77 USD
Austria 2685,2686,2687 fine used / cancelled 2007 Gauermann, Patron, Ski $2.77 USD
Austria 2883,2885 used 2010 attractions, Eisenstadt $2.77 USD
Austria 2503 mint/MNH 2004 Bundesheer $1.57 USD
Austria 2868 used 2010 Gustav Mahler $5.00 USD
Austria 2543,2545 (complete issue) fine used / cancelled 2005 Folklore, Hallowee $4.02 USD
Austria 3467 (complete issue) fine used / cancelled 2019 Church $6.40 USD
Austria 2967 used 2011 christmas $1.83 USD
austria.-Bosnia-herzegovina. 105 used 1916 Franz Joseph $1.83 USD
Austria 293-311 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 1920 Me (10325938 $14.17 USD
austria.-Bosnia-herzegovina. 34C dentate L 9 1/4 used (9621322 $4.96 USD
Austria 1164-1171 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 1964 WIPA 65 $1.59 USD
Austria 950 (complete issue) used 1950 special stamps $1.59 USD
Austria 2280 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 1999 Europe $1.59 USD
Austria P232-P259 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 1949 (10221531 $50.84 USD
Austria 1269,1270,1271,1272,1276, 1277 mint/MNH 1968 special stamps $1.08 USD
Stamps Austria 1946 Mi 779 Favor devaluation used 1946 Antifaschistische Exhibit $2.52 USD
Stamps Austria 1946 Mi 777 Favor devaluation used 1946 Antifaschistische Exhibit $2.52 USD
austria.-Fieldpost Serbia 20 fine used / cancelled 1914 Bosnia with Print $54.96 USD
Austria 2538 (complete issue) fine used / cancelled 2005 embroidery (9798281 $12.21 USD
Austria block25 with Swarovski-crystals used 2004 Swarovski (9036730 $12.21 USD
Austria 3206 (complete issue) fine used / cancelled 2015 Theresia (10099161 $6.39 USD
Stamps Austria 1922 Mi 384 mint MNH 1922 clear brands $2.74 USD
Austria 2622-2623 mint/MNH 2006 Animal welfare $18.20 USD
Austria block17 (complete issue) fine used / cancelled 2002 lotto in A (10099298 $6.36 USD
Austria 1811,1812,1813 (complete.Expenditure) mint/MNH 1985 $1.02 USD
Austria 2389 FDC 2002 austrians abroad $1.79 USD
Austria 2539-2542 mint/MNH 2005 Zodiac $15.47 USD
Austria block22 (complete issue) fine used / cancelled 2003 Paintings (10099320 $6.53 USD
Austria 2425,2426 (complete issue) fine used / cancelled 2003 blue lig (9799859 $6.53 USD
austria.-Post Levante 61 used 1908 Jubilee $2.03 USD
Austria 2921 mint/MNH 2011 Mechitaristen in Vienna $1.19 USD
Austria block56 (complete issue) fine used / cancelled 2009 Velazquez (9799589 $9.38 USD
Austria 1X used 1850 Crest (9057838 $72.68 USD
Austria 2368 used 2002 euro coins (9620446 $4.39 USD
Stamps Austria 2021 Mi 3593 mint MNH 2021 Rare Nutztierrassen $5.94 USD
Stamps Austria 2021 Mi 3580 mint MNH 2021 Classical Costumes $5.94 USD
Stamps Austria 2021 Mi 3621 mint MNH 2021 christmas $5.94 USD
Stamps Austria 2020 Mi 3542 mint MNH 2020 Lipizzanergestüt Piber $5.94 USD
Austria block64 (complete issue) fine used / cancelled 2011 Hans Makar (9798381 $6.84 USD
Austria block64 (complete issue) fine used / cancelled 2011 Hans Makar (9798382 $6.84 USD
Stamps Austria 2020 Mi 3529 mint MNH 2020 Classical Costumes $5.03 USD
Stamps Austria 2021 Mi 3624 mint MNH 2021 christmas $5.03 USD
Austria 2968 used 2011 Westbahnhof $2.92 USD
Austria 3199 mint/MNH 2015 Treuebonusmarke: Patens $3.38 USD
Austria 2840,2841 used 2009 Ludwig Palmers, Patron $1.82 USD
Austria 2611 mint/MNH 2006 Flora $2.04 USD
austria.-Bosnia-herzegovina. 42 with hinge 1906 Views (9590847 $5.61 USD
Austria 3497 (complete issue) fine used / cancelled 2019 christmas (10100292 $3.64 USD
Austria 3101 mint/MNH 2013 Paintings $7.38 USD
Austria 23 used 1861 newspaper brand (8669860 $64.71 USD
Austria block25 (complete issue) used 2004 Swarovski $12.00 USD
Austria 1932,1933,1934 (complete.Expenditure) mint/MNH 1988 $1.20 USD
Austria 2694 Sheetlet used 2007 Clownfische $8.30 USD
Austria 696II A proofed mint/MNH 1945 grid-Print $287.64 USD
Austria 3382 (complete issue) fine used / cancelled 2018 de Heem $7.26 USD
Austria P204-P231 MNH 1947 (9805038 $32.83 USD
Stamps Austria 2020 Mi 3507 mint MNH 2020 ecclesiastical Art $5.49 USD
Austria 3295 (complete issue) fine used / cancelled 2016 Wildlife $9.93 USD
austria.-Bosnia-herzegovina. 37C dentate L 9 1/4 with hinge 1906 Views (9590822 $7.01 USD
Austria P10x X mint never hinged mnh 1899 Postage stamps $2.49 USD
Austria 3168 (complete issue) fine used / cancelled 2014 Mona Lisa of Gelatin $8.21 USD
Austria P12x X mint never hinged mnh 1899 Postage stamps $2.21 USD
Austria 1030,1033,1034,1036 used 1956 Ungar.Re $2.78 USD
Austria 958 mint/MNH 1950 Girardi $4.24 USD