1st Ltd Ed "the Grabhorn Press: Biography" Roby Wentz 1981 Hardback Dj Prospects

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"The Lost World" Arthur Conan Doyle - 1998 HC w/DJ - Book-of-the-Month-Club NY $14.41 USD
SIGNED "Parodies and Pastiches Buzzing 'Round Sir Arthur Conan Doyle" Press SC $16.96 USD
1948 "The Skin of Dreams" Raymond Queneau NEW DIRECTIONS #5 SC $16.96 USD
1880 6th ED "Objects for the Microscope" L. Lane Clarke Color Plates HB $102.00 USD
"The Sunday Seducer" Linda DuBreuil - 1970 Mass Market Paperback Tower Book $102.00 USD
SIGNED 1st/1st ED "Masks of the Illuminati" Robert Anton Wilson 1990 Softcover $102.00 USD
"SHERLOCK HOLMES Rare-Book Collector / Study in Detection" Stern 1953 Schulte SC $8.46 USD
"Sherlock Holmes is Mr. Pickwick" Wilbur K. McKee 1984 Magico Magazine SC $8.46 USD
1975 LTD ED "The Affair of the Lost Compression" Oyl Fantasy Sherlock Holmes SC $8.46 USD
"Sherlock Holmes at Oxford" Nicholas Utechin 1977 Robert Dugdale Softcover $8.46 USD
1979 LIMITED "A Tribute to Leslie Marshall, BSI" SC Pleasant FL Sherlock Holmes $8.46 USD
"The Little Girl and Mister Holmes" Richard L Kellogg, Huddleston 1985 Magico SC $8.46 USD
SIGNED 1st ED "Libra" Don Delillo 1988 Viking Hardback DJ $148.71 USD
"The Works of Flavius Josephus" William Whiston 1889 2 v. set Chatto & Windus UK $148.71 USD
"The Adventures of Picklock Holes: Sherlockian Parody" R.C. Lehmann 1975 SC $12.71 USD
SIGNED 1st ED "Medical Casebook of Doctor Arthur Conan Doyle" Rodin, Key HC w/DJ $12.71 USD
"Sherlock Through the Magnifying Glass: A Female Perspective" Davies 1994 SC $12.71 USD
1986 LIMITED ED "The Last Case of Sherlock Holmes: Ivy Johnson Bull" Hall HB $12.71 USD
1983 1st/1st ED "The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty" A.N. Roquelaure HB Anne Rice $76.46 USD
"The Ingoldsby Legends" Thomas Ingoldsby, Arthur Rackham 1907 HC JM Dent & Co UK $76.46 USD
1942 1st/1st ED "Bombs Away" John Steinbeck HB DJ John Swope Photographs U.S. AF $76.46 USD
SIGNED 1st/1st ED "Young Adult Novel" DANIEL PINKWATER 1982 Hardback DJ RARE $76.46 USD
SIGNED 6th Printing "The Twelfth of August BUFORD PUSSER" W.R. Morris 1973 HC DJ $76.46 USD
1st ED SIGNED PAUL STANLEY "Backstage Pass: Autobiography" Hardback DJ 2019 KISS $46.71 USD
1st ED/1st Printing "Cover Charge" Cornell Woolrich -1926 HC DJ Boni & Liveright $84.96 USD
"Strange Secrets" Arthur Conan Doyle - 1895 Hardcover - R. F. Fenno & Company $84.96 USD
1st ED 1937 "Oakdale Affair & The Rider" Edgar Rice Burroughs HB w/ Facsimile DJ $84.96 USD
SIGNED 1st THUS "Masters of Death" Olivie Blake - 2023 HC w/DJ - TOR Owlcrate $84.96 USD
SIGNED LTD ED "Troubles in Texas 1832" David J Weber Conchita Hassell Winn HB DJ $84.96 USD
1st/1st ED "The Magical Mimics in Oz" Jack Snow Hardcover DJ The Reilly & Lee Co $84.96 USD
1st ED 1969 "The Detective Short Story: A Bibliography" Ellery Queen HB DJ $29.71 USD
1973 Lot of 4 "The Baker Street Journal Vol. 23, No 1-4 New Series" Julian Wolff $29.71 USD
SIGNED TV Tie-In ED "American Gods" Neil Gaiman - 2017 Softcover William Morrow $29.71 USD
SIGNED LIMITED ED "The Curious Case of Kenelm Digby" Christopher Morley 1975 SC $29.71 USD
"Demon Lovers and Strange Seductions" M.L. Carter 1972 Fawcett Gold Paperback $29.71 USD
1st/1st "To Have and Have Not" Ernest Hemingway 1937 HC Charles Scribner's Sons $212.46 USD
1st EDITION "Albert Oehlen 1991 - 2008" - Hardcover Holzwarth - Publications $212.46 USD
SIGNED 1st ED 1929 "My Life East & West" William S. Hart Houghton Mifflin HB $67.96 USD
RARE 1906 ED "Jesse James My Father" Jesse James Jr. Paperback $67.96 USD
SIGNED 1st ED "THE COE'S GO WEST" Cara Mae Coe Marable Smith HC Dustjacket 1988 $67.96 USD
1889 LIMITED ED 2-Vol Set "The Complete Angler" Walton &Cotton Morocco Leather $339.96 USD
1941 SIGNED Degolyer 1st LTD ED "My Adventures in Zuni" Cushing, Lanier HB DJ SC $339.96 USD
SIGNED 1st/1st "The Ocean at the End of the Lane" Neil Gaiman 2013 Hardcover DJ $33.96 USD
SIGNED Gift ED "Jurassic Park" Michael Crichton - 1993 HC w/DJ - Alfred A. Knopf $254.96 USD
1st/1st "They Shoot Horses, Don't They?" Horace McCoy 1935 HC Simon & Schuster $114.71 USD
LTD ED "Picasso Eaux-Fortes Originales Pour Textes De Buffon" Facsimile Prints $505.75 USD
1st LTD ED "Walker Evans: American Photographs" 1938 Hardcover w/DJ MOMA $505.75 USD
1st ED 1984 "First Person Singular: Life of Sherlock & Watson" Roger Butters HB $21.21 USD
1983 1st ED "Immortal Sleuth: Sherlockian Musings &Memories" Michael Harrison HB $21.21 USD
1st ED "Sherlock Holmes in the Dreaming Detective" Ralph Vaughan 1992 Softcover $11.86 USD
"The Gods of Pegana" Lord Dunsany 1919 HC DJ 3rd ED Illus S H Sime Elkin Mathews $169.96 USD
SIGNED 1st ED "My Life with Martin Luther King, Jr." Coretta Scott King 1969 HC $169.96 USD
"The Outsider Magazine Vol 1, No. 1" Fall 1961 Bukowski Burroughs BEAT POETRY $169.96 USD
3-Vol Set "The Complete Letters of Vincent van Gogh" 2001 HC 3rd/2nd Bulfinch $195.46 USD
SIGNED ANSEL ADAMS "Camera and Lens: Creative Approach" 1973 3rd Printing HB DJ $110.46 USD
1837 2-Vols "History War of Independence of The United States of America" Botta $170.00 USD
1st/1st ED "The Man Within" Graham Greene -1929 HC DJ Doubleday, Doran & Company $72.21 USD
1st ED "The Southwestern Frontier - 1865-1881" Carl Coke Rister - 1928 Hardcover $72.21 USD
1st THUS "Imago - Xenogenesis: III" Octavia Butler 1990 Mass Market PB VGSF UK $106.21 USD
"Doc Savage Omnibus #13" Kenneth Robeson - 1990 Mass Market Paperback - Bantam $42.46 USD
1st ED "'We Never Retreat: Spanish TX 1812-22'" Ed Bradley 2015 HC DJ Texas A&M $42.46 USD
1st ED 1866 "Gen. Nathaniel Lyon & Missouri in 1861" James Peckham Hardback $42.46 USD
SIGNED 1st LTD ED "Good Behavior" Donald E Westlake 1985 Slipcased HC Mysterious $42.46 USD
"Kabumpo in Oz" L. Frank Baum John R Neill ca 1930s Hardcover Reilly & Lee Co $34.00 USD
"Dead Man Blues" William Irish, A Mercury Mystery #135 Softcover 1947 $25.46 USD
SIGNED Limited 1st/1st "The Prince of Stories Gaiman" Wagner 2015 Cemetery Dance $25.46 USD
SIGNED 1st ED "Medallion Southwest" Patricia Benton 1954 Hardcover Rydal Press $25.46 USD
1977 1st ED "Chronicles of Lucius Leffing" Joseph Payne Brennan Grant HB DJ $25.46 USD
1970 1st ED "Why We Have Day and Night" Peter F. Neumeyer & Edward Gorey HB DJ $25.46 USD
1st "Sonnets from the Portuguese" EB Browning, W Pogany - 1936 Thomas Y. Crowell $25.46 USD
1st EDITION "High Sierra" W. R. Burnett - 1940 HC w/fascimile DJ Alfred A. Knopf $101.96 USD
SIGNED 2x! 1st LTD ED "Heroes and Hobgoblins" L. Sprague De Camp - 1981 HC w/DJ $17.00 USD
SIGNED 1st ED "Zuleika in Cambridge" S.C. Roberts SC Heffer & Sons LTD UK 1941 $63.71 USD
1st Printing "In A Narrow Grave" Larry McMurtry 1971 PB Touchstone/Schuster $50.96 USD
1960 UK ED "On the Eternal In Man" Max Scheler HARDBACK DJ Trans. Bernard Noble $50.96 USD
SIGNED 1st/1st "Generation of Swine" Hunter S. Thompson 1988 HC DJ Summit Books $509.96 USD
"De Rerum Inventoribus" Polydore Vergil of Urbino 1604 Mini Vellum Seb Gryphii $148.75 USD
1st ED "After-Dinner Story" William Irish 1944 HC w/DJ J. B. Lippincott Company $97.71 USD
"Triple Murder" Carolyn Wells - 1929 HARDCOVER DJ - J. B. Lippincott Company $38.21 USD
"Ambient Definitive: 1958 - 2013" 2013 SC Pivain/Nippan'aipiesu Japanese $38.21 USD
SIGNED Limited ED "Under the Sangre De Cristo" Paul Horgan 1985 HB Slipcase $127.46 USD
Metal Pocketbook "Book of Common Prayer: The Sacraments" ca 1851 Goffered Edges $127.46 USD
SIGNED 1st ED "Arizona and its Bird Life" Herbert Brandt 1951 Hardback DJ $127.46 USD
SIGNED John Groth Sketch LTD ED "The Last Running" John Graves 1974 Slipcased HC $127.46 USD
SIGNED w/LETTER LTD 1st ED "Jose Cisneros Exhibition: Riders of the Borderlands" $127.46 USD
SIGNED 1st/1st ED "From Here to Eternity" James Jones 1951 HC DJ Scribner's Sons $157.21 USD
1697 ED "Tractatus de Confusione" Carlo Rubeo De Buxeto LATIN Vellum Parma $144.46 USD
SIGNED Mike Mignola "MONDOCON VOL 5" 2014 Mondo Poster Book Leather HB RARE $182.75 USD
SIGNED 1st UK ED "Otherland Volume 2: River of Blue Fire" Tad Williams HB DJ $31.41 USD
1969 SIGNED 1st ED "Long, Broad, & Quickeye" Evaline Ness Hardback DJ Scribner's $31.41 USD
SIGNED 1st ED/1st Printing "Terms of Endearment" Larry McMurtry 1975 Hardback DJ $297.50 USD
RARE "The Outsider Magazine Vol 1, No. 2" Summer 1962 POETRY Burroughs Bukowski $135.96 USD
1st Printing ED 1936 "BRONCHO APACHE" Paul I. Wellman Macmillan Co. HB RARE DJ $135.96 USD
"The Patchwork Girl of Oz" L Frank Baum c. 1950s HC Illustrated Reilly & Lee Co. $29.75 USD
1st/1st "The Haunted Bookshop" Christopher Morley 1919 HC DJ Doubleday Page & Co $1,062.46 USD
SIGNED 2nd Printing "Lonesome Dove" Larry McMurtry - 1985 HC DJ Simon & Schuster $424.96 USD
"The Poetical Works of Alice and Phoebe Cary" 1888 Leather HC Fine Binding $93.50 USD
8-Vol 1st 1839-43 PICTORIAL ED THE WORKS OF SHAKSPERE Charles Knight Shakespeare $722.50 USD
"Echoes from the Rocky Mountains" John W. Clampitt 1889 HC Belford, Clarke & Co. $68.00 USD