Denmark #114 (148) 35ore Orange, Og, Nh, Vf, Scott $87.00

Denmark #114 (148) 35ore Orange, Og, Nh, Vf, Scott $87.00

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Item ships from Caldwell NJ USA

Browse all: Denmark & Faroe Islands

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DANISH WEST INDIES #J8a, Mint LH, Scott $75.00 (126730497759)
DENMARK #185-91, Used, Scott $315.00 (126644778044)
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DENMARK 7 on 3ore + 1ore, double card (49) unused, VF (121832160926)
DENMARK, 1921, scarcer multi-franked cover to U.S., VF, Facit 500kr+ (276695888559)
DENMARK HS65 (977) Butterfly Booklet, VF (276568033990)
DANISH WEST INDIES #15, Mint Hinged, Scott $45.00 (126773981958)
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DENMARK SLESVIG #1-14v, Complete Imperf set w/MAK Ovpts, Facit $175.00 (126027971959)
DANISH WEST INDIES #J1-4 Complete set, Blks of 4 NH, not genuine - for reference (294785805492)
DENMARK #24b (27v1), 48sk bicolor, used w/INVERTED FRAME, Jensen certificate, (125579405783)
DWI #FK2, 3¢ orange, front only with scarce ST. JAN cancel, VF (276376169306)
DENMARK #B1, Used, Scott $60.00 (293670158641)
FAROE 1946 British Regis Label used in Faroes on cover to ENGLAND, signed Pollak (126364631275)
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DENMARK #J22 (L23) 1kr blue, og, LH, VF, Scott $90.00 (126723175054)
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