Undated Austria 5kr Stamped Postal Address Postcard Unused

Undated Austria 5kr Stamped Postal Address Postcard Unused

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1908 Austria 6H Franz Josef I Commem Stamp cd Wien 19 11 08 (276031390533)
1908 Austria 6H Franz Josef I Commem Stamp cd Wien 14 11 08 (305119187912)
1908 Austria 6H Franz Josef I Commem Stamp cd Wien 6 11 08 (285460561005)
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1919 Austria 20H Karl I bluie green stamp Deutschoesterreich O/P cancelled Sandl (274446858655)
1917 Austria 15H red Franz Josef stamp cancelled Grades (303675501210)
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1912 Austria 1H blackish grey Charles VI stamp cancelled Plaw (274446857989)
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