German Charity Mother And Child 1936 Ad Callo For Donations Advertising

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Item ships from Germany

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BMW 327 German ad 1938 Cabrio Germany advertising $14.99 USD
Leitz Camera Leica Wetzlar 1936 ad German advertising $14.99 USD
Hercules motorcycle car Nuremberg 1933 German ad trike advertising Germany $14.99 USD
Leica camera by Ernst Leitz Wetzlar 1936 ad gym wheel advertising athletics $14.99 USD
Engineering works Irmer & Elze Bad Oeynhausen 1939 German ad Germany advertisng $12.99 USD
German winter welfare organization 1938 ad joy through the WHW - WHW 1937/1938 $12.99 USD
Bluethner Pianoforte Factory in Leipzig Germany 1937 ad German piano advertising $12.99 USD
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WHW German Winter Relief Organization 1937 ad stamps advertising Germany $12.99 USD
German Winter Relief German 1938 ad Joy through the WHW advertising $12.99 USD
WHW German Winter Relief Organization 1937 ad German advertising ad $12.99 USD
Triumph motorcycles Nuremberg 1937 German ad bike advertising $12.99 USD
Ford Eifel V8 truck Cologne 1938 ad German advertising motor company $12.99 USD
Occulta underwear Berlin 1911 ad garter belt suspenders advertising $12.99 USD
Women's underwear Goldfisch Germany 1937 ad goldfish German advertising $12.99 USD
Mauser rifle for buck hunting 1938 German ad Oberndorf German advertising $12.99 USD
Motorcycle Triumph S 500 1937 ad - Triumph Company Nuremberg bike advertising $12.99 USD
WHW German welfare organization 1936 ad sea lifesaver advertising Germany $12.99 USD
German radio Blaupunkt 4 W 95 1936 advertisement Germany ad $12.99 USD
Hutschenreuther porcelain 1936 German ad easter gift andertising bunny $12.99 USD
Hensoldt Dialyt binoculars by Optical Works in Wetzlar 1938 ad advertising $12.99 USD
Fountain pen Staedtler Mars Triumph 1936 ad Nurmemberg advertising $12.99 USD
Meissen State Porcelain Manufactory Germany 1939 ad German advertising $12.99 USD
Mauser calculating machine 1937 ad Mauser Company Oberndorf Germany advertising $12.99 USD
Hensoldt Optical Works Wetzlar 1936 ad binoculars advertising camare microscope $12.99 USD
The city of Solingen XL 1938 advertising world importance Solingen industry ad $32.99 USD
City of Aachen - city of German cloth XL 1938 ad Germany advertising $32.99 USD
Rose bread 1938 Austrian ad mother children cut bread baker Rosen-Brot Vienna $32.99 USD
Knorr air brakes Berlin German 1937 ad train locomotive Reichsbahn advertising $32.99 USD
Osram lighting idea German 1937 ad light bulb neon tube advertising Germany $32.99 USD
Bemberg nylon stockings Germany XL 1938 ad nice legs cleavage advertising $32.99 USD
Rosenstock binocular & camera XL 1935 ad Adar Rodim Eldis adertising Clarovid $32.99 USD
Salamander shoes XL 1936 German ad women´s shoes fashion novelties advertising $32.99 USD
Manoli cigarettes Germany XL 1937 ad smoker advertising high society $39.99 USD
Auto Union at the International Motor Show 1939 Berlin Audi advertising DKW ad $39.99 USD
Opel Captain XL 1939 advertising German ad Adam Opel Company Ruesselsheim $39.99 USD
Opel Admiral XL 1939 advertisement Adam Opel Company Ruesselsheim ad advertising $39.99 USD
Stainless steel Rheinmetall Borsig - Duesseldorf XL 1938 German ad advertising $39.99 USD
Aperitif St. Raphael XL 1938 French ad waiter Indian baroque France advertising $39.99 USD
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DKW Reich's class German car ad 1933 Germany advertising by Mundorff Auto Union $23.99 USD
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Zundapp motorcycles Nuremberg 1939 advertisement German ad soldier WW2 off-road $19.99 USD
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International Motor Show Berlin 1939 advertising motorcycle racing car IAA ad . $19.99 USD
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Leuna Gasoline - Germany 1938 ad German advertising tank truck gas station $19.99 USD
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Stonemason Zeidler & Wimmel Berlin 1936 ad Bunzlau advertising Brandenburg Gate $19.99 USD
Body construction Hebmuller in Wuppertal Barmen 1936 German ad advertising $19.99 USD
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Ford V8 & Ford Eifel 1938 German ad Ford Motor Company Cologne Germany $19.99 USD
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AEG shipbuilding aviation army German 1936 ad Germany advertising $19.99 USD
Kleinwefers machine works in Krefeld 1938 ad German advertising $19.99 USD
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Indirect KDF-car advertising 1937 !!! Schiess-Defries Düsseldorf VW Beetle ad $52.49 USD
Auto Union Automobiles XL 1937 German ad by Victor Mundorff Autounion advertise $52.49 USD
Staedtler Mars Nuremberg 1932 ad pen advertising pencil Schlosser Vienna + $11.49 USD
Blaupunkt Radio Super 4 W 67 German 1937 ad Germany advertising $15.99 USD
WHW German winter aid 1936 ad donation card when travelling advertising $15.99 USD
Leica camera from Leitz Wetzlar German 1937 ad Germany advertising dancer $20.99 USD
Printing house Schmidt XL Austrian ad 1938 advertising Berlin Vienna Frankfurt $28.99 USD
Auto Union automobile & motorcycle XL 1937 ad Horch Wanderer DKW Audi advertise $65.99 USD
Adler 2.5 L automobile XL 1937 Bernd Reuters advertising Victory Column Berlin $65.99 USD
DEURAG in Misbug Germany XL 1935 ad German oil refinery advertising $26.99 USD
Leitz light alloy binoculars 1937 German ad Zeppelin airship hangar advertisting $13.99 USD
Gunpowder & cartridges Wolff in Walsrode German 1936 ad rifle hunter advertising $16.99 USD
Motorcycle BMW 1938 ad German advertisement $16.99 USD
Sachs Motor Schweinfurt - postman 1937 German ad Fichtel & Sachs motorcycle $16.99 USD
International Motor Show Berlin 1938 advertising IAA German ad motorbike $23.49 USD
75 years of Camera Zeiss Ikon 1937 ad German advertising by Grimmer in Dresden $15.49 USD
WCM Cotton Heidenheim Germany german ad 1935 Wuerttemberg Brenz xc $17.99 USD