Presidents Of The United States, 36 22c Stamps, Complete Set, 4 Pages Of 9 Stamp

Sold by wingnutomaha

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Item ships from Blair NE USA

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Scott 2169, Mary Lyon, 2 cents, strip of 20. $2.00 USD
Scott UC40, 8C airmail plus a 2c, and 1c Jefferson envelope $2.00 USD
American lung Association seals. not us postage. $2.00 USD
Scott UX105, Charles Carroll, 14c Postage card, 2 per sheet, perferated $2.00 USD
Scott U572, American Homemaker, 2 13c envelopes. $2.00 USD
Scott V632, Liberty Bell 32c  $2.00 USD
Scott U624, Country Geese, 2 29c envelopes. $2.00 USD
Scott U073 20c Official Envelopes, 2 envelopes $2.00 USD
Scott ux176, Canyon De Chelly, Omaha Stamp Show Sep 3 1994, 19 cent postage card $2.00 USD
Scott 1471, Christmas, Master of St Lucy, 8c, PB 12 stamps. $2.00 USD
Scott 1723, Energy Conservation, 13 cents, strip of 16. $2.90 USD
Scott 1288, bk117, Oliver Windell Homes, booklet of 24 stamps. $3.50 USD
Scott 1850, Abraham Baldwin, 7 cent, strip of 40 stamps $8.00 USD
Scott 2961 - 2965, Recreational Sports, 32 cent, page of 20. $8.00 USD
Scott 263, Kentucky 1792, My Old Kentucky Home State Park, 29 cents, Block of 20 $8.00 USD
Scott U551, 6c Embossed Envelope, Revalued, 2 Envelopes  $8.00 USD
Scott U083, Official Mail envelope, 29c. $1.50 USD
Scott U606, Small Business USA, 20c Envelope  $1.50 USD
Scott U645, 33c Lincoln Envelope $1.50 USD
scott # 1261 Battle of New Orleans 5 cent mint strip of twenty $1.50 USD
Scott U603, The Purple Heart, 1 envelope $1.50 USD
Scott UX4 United Nations 5c postage card $1.50 USD
Scott U074, 22c official mail, 1 envelope $1.50 USD
Scott 1920, Professional Management, 18c, Mr. Zip, Block of 8. $2.50 USD
Scott UX74, John Hancock, 10 cent postage card, one with postage amount and one  $2.50 USD
Scott U605, 20c Remember Our Paralyzed Veterans, 4 envelopes. $2.50 USD
Scott U605, 20c Paralyzed Veterans Envelopes $2.50 USD
Scott U619, 3 29c. Blue Star Envelopes  $2.50 USD
Scott 2619, Olympic Baseball 29 cents, Block of 20 $9.00 USD
Scott 1825, Veterans Administration, 15c, strip of 20. $5.00 USD
10 US Stamp booklet covers. NO STAMPS. $5.00 USD
Scott 1623, booklet 13c and 9c stamps, vending machines. $5.00 USD
Scott 1699, Clara Maass, 13c block of 20. $3.00 USD
Scott 2171, Father Flanagan, 4 cents, Block of 20 $3.00 USD
Stamps UX68, Charles Thomson, 7c postage card, 2 per sheet, perferated $3.00 USD
Scott UX93, Robert Morris, 13c postage card, 2 per sheet, preferated $3.00 USD
Scott U611, 25c Envelopes $3.00 USD
Scott U603, The Purple Heart, 3 20c envelopes. $3.00 USD
Scott U619, 4 29c Envelopes  $3.00 USD
Scott UX088, US Domestic Rate, 10c 2 cards per sheet preferated $3.00 USD
Scott UX89, Isalah Thomas, 12c postage card, 2 per sheet perferated. $3.00 USD
Scott UX69, John Witherspoon, 9c postage card, 2 per sheet, perferated $3.00 USD
Scott U618, Football Lombardi Hologram, 2 envelopes. $3.00 USD
Scott UX75, John Hancock, 10c postage card, 2 per sheets, perferated $3.00 USD
Scott UX70, Caesar Rodney, 9c Postage card, 2 per sheet, perferated $3.00 USD
Scott 1775 - 1778, Folk Art, 15c, strip of 16. $3.00 USD
Scott 1392, 1424, Wildlife Conservation and Douglas MacCarther,  one block each. $3.00 USD
Scott 1804, Benjamin Banneker, 15c, strip of 20. $4.00 USD
Scott 1831, Organized Labor Proud and Free, 15 cents, Block of 20 $4.00 USD
Scott 1826, Gen. Bernardo de Galvez, 15 cents, Block of 20  $4.00 USD
Scott UC65, 3 Air Mail Letter Sheet  $4.00 USD
Scott UX72, Nathan Hale, 9c postage card, 2 per sheet, Perferated $4.00 USD
Scott U574, The American Doctor, 4 13c envelopes $4.00 USD
Scott U574, 13c American Doctors, 4 envelopes $4.00 USD
Scott 282 Garfield, Mint OG, NH, VG, Plate block strip of 3 stamps. $210.00 USD
Scott 1477, Sprit of Independence, 8 cent, sheet of 50. $5.50 USD
11 US Stamp Booklet Covers only. NO STAMPS. $5.01 USD
Scott UX219a, 50c Eagle Postage Card. $1.00 USD
Scott U077, Official Mail, 2 25c envelope $1.00 USD
Scott U619, 29c Window Envelope  $1.00 USD
Scott UX70, Caesar Rodney, 9c postage card $1.00 USD
Scott U63, Gloucester, 6c Postage Card $1.00 USD
Scott UX64, John Hanson, 6c postage card $1.00 USD
Scott UX69, John Witherspoon, 9c postage card $1.00 USD
Scott UX88, Domestic rate purple eagle $1.00 USD
Scott UX106, Charles Carroll, 14 c postage card. $1.00 USD
Scott UX66 Samuel Adams, 8c Postage card $1.00 USD
Scott UX93 Robert Morris, 13c postage card $1.00 USD
Scott UXC5, 11c Air Mail postage card $1.00 USD
Scott U624, Country Geese, 29c Envelope  $1.00 USD
Scott U611, 25c Window Envelope  $1.00 USD
Scott UX68 Charles Thomson 7c, Postage card $1.00 USD
Scott U578 2.1 cent envelope, Non-profit org $1.00 USD
Scott U578 2.7 cent envelope, non-profit org $1.00 USD
Scott UX72, Nathan Hale, 9c postage card $1.00 USD
Scott UX58, 6c Paul Revere, Postage card $1.00 USD
Scott UC47 13c Air Mail $1.00 USD
Scott 1789, John Paul Jones, 15c, strip of 20. $3.75 USD
Scott U076, Official Mail, E Envelope $1.25 USD
Scott UX119 Postal card, Historic Preservation 14c. $1.25 USD
Scott 1603, Midnight Ride, 24 cents, Block of 20 $11.00 USD
Scott c88, Shrine of Democracy, 26 c, strip of 20. $11.00 USD
Scott 2344, New Hampshire Statehood, June 21, 1788, 25 cents, Block of 20 $7.50 USD
Scott 2400, Plate 11111 Error Stamp, strip of 20. $25.00 USD
Scott 2168, Margaret Mitchell, 1 cent, strip of 20. $1.75 USD
Scott # 1427-1430, Wildlife Conservation, 8c, block of 16. $1.75 USD
Scott 3552, 3553, 3554, 3555, Winter Olympics, 2001, 34c, sheet of 20 $11.50 USD
Scott c130, Antarctic Treaty, 50 c, strip of 20. $20.00 USD
Scott c79, Airmail, 13 cent, Sheet of 100. $21.00 USD
Scott 1115, 1117, 1104, 1123, 1119, 5 blocks. $4.50 USD
Scott 1629 - 1631, Spirit of 76, 13c, strip of 20 $4.50 USD
Scott 1464-1457, Wildlife Conservation, 8cents, block of 16 $2.15 USD
Scott 1844, Dorothea Dix, 1 cent, Block of 20 $2.75 USD
Scott 2522, F stamp Flag, 29c, Pane of 12. $4.40 USD
Scott 1563, US Bicentennial, 10 cents, Block of 16 $2.25 USD
Scott 368, 2 cent Lincoln Imperf Pair. $42.00 USD
Scott 1565 -1568, Military uniforms, 10c, block of 4 $0.99 USD
Scott 2410, World Stamp Expo 1989, 25 cent, strip of 20. $6.00 USD
Scott 2277 E domestic Earth Stamp $6.00 USD
Scott 3143 - 3146, Football Coaches, Sheet of 20 32c stamps $7.00 USD