Austria 1880 Accent Over Letter S Of Korespondencni Postal Card Received In Prag

Austria 1880 Accent Over Letter S Of Korespondencni Postal Card Received In Prag

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Österreich, 12 Correspondenzkarten, 1880er Jahre, Stempel: Wien
Postal History Austria 6 Postal Stationery Cards 1880s/90s
Austria Bohemia Czech PRAG Antique Letters Cancel/Postmark 1867-80 Issue 10kr
Austria Postal Card Prag ( Prague Czechia) to Wien (Vienna); Correspondenz
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Austria AK96 Old document 1880th original Card letter Knittelfeld 3 pcs
Austria 1886 2kr correspondence postal card Prag Altstadt to Cassel Kassel
AUSTRIA 1887 Post Card sent from Prag (Praha)

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