Russia 1916 Ww 1 German Occupation 1 Mark Issue Used Wilna, Signed $ 240.00

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Germany colonies 1897 NEW GUINEA 25 Pf. early issue signed used HERBERTSHÖHE $29.00 USD
Germany States 1867 HELIGOLAND 2 Schilling issue used signed, $ 80.00 $29.00 USD
Germany 1905 offices in Morocco 3.75 Pts. used, MAZAGAN , signed $ 84.00 $31.00 USD
GERMANY 1946 POST WAR LOCALS , Aschaffenburg complete set mint** $ 32.00 $14.00 USD
German colonies 1900 Samoa 20 Pfennig early issue used APIA $ 43.00 $14.00 USD
Germany States 1850 PRUSSIA ½ Silbergroschen issue unused, $ 50.00 $14.00 USD
Germany colonies 1897 NEW GUINEA 20 Pfennig early issue mint**, $ 42.00 $14.00 USD
Germany 1900 offices in CHINA 25 Pf. Germania hand op mint* $900.00 USD
Germany 1960 complete set President Heuss fluorescent issues mint**, $ 315.00 $105.00 USD
Germany States 1861 BERGEDORF 3 Schilling issue mint* signed $16.00 USD
Germany 1905 offices in MOROCCO 60 centimos Germania with op mint** $ 75.00 $28.00 USD
Germany 1905 offices in MOROCCO 1 Peseta Germania with op mint** $ 75.00 $28.00 USD
German 19th Century 2 Pf. private post card Packetfahrkarte Berlin mint $28.00 USD
Germany 1872 1 Kreuzer small Shield issue used $ 84.00 $28.00 USD
Germany 19th Century private post BERLIN 2 Pfennig stationary Post Card mint $28.00 USD
Germany 19th Century private post DRESDEN 2 Pfennig stationary Post Card mint $28.00 USD
Germany States 1861 BERGEDORF 1 Schilling issue mint* signed $ 60.00 $22.00 USD
Germany States 1861 BERGEDORF ½ Schilling issue mint* signed, $ 66.00 $22.00 USD
Germany States 1918 BAVARIA 20 Mark King Ludwig III used MÜNCHEN $ 168.00 $56.00 USD
German colonies 1900 CAMEROUN 3 Mark Yacht issue used, BONABERI $ 161.00 $56.00 USD
Germany 1945 last 2 semi postal stamps of the 3rd Reich mint** $ 96.00 $32.00 USD
Germany 1905 5 Mark Empire's 25th Anniversary issue used, signed $ 253.00 $100.00 USD
Germany 1944 Military Mail (Inselpost) mint**, $ 700.00 $100.00 USD
Germany 1872 18 Kreuzer small Shield issue used, $ 600.00 $200.00 USD
Germany States 1863 WURTTEMBERG 18 Kreuzer issue used $ 600.00 $200.00 USD
Germany 1872 18 Kreuzer small Shield issue used, $ 600.00 $200.00 USD
Germany 1917 15 Pfennig Germania issue war print used, signed $ 240.00 $80.00 USD
Germany 1920 WW 1 under Belgium occupation 10 Fr. issue mint**, $ 240.00 $80.00 USD
Germany 1915 EAST AFRICA British occup. 30 Heller Yacht with op mint* signed $120.00 USD
Germany 1898 Colonies KIAUTSCHOU 50 Pfennig forerunner op 45° used TSINTAU $ 103 $36.00 USD
GERMANY 1936 Third Reich Summer Olympics souvenir sheet #1 used $ 108.00 $36.00 USD
GERMANY 1936 Third Reich Summer Olympics souvenir sheet #2 used $ 108.00 $36.00 USD
Germany 1960 complete year set used, $ 25.00 $8.00 USD
Russia 1916 WW 1 German occupation 1 Mark issue used REVAL, $ 115.00 $44.00 USD
Germany 1933 Emergency Aid s/s mint**, Michel # Block 2, $ 7,200.00 $1,700.00 USD
Germany 1901 offices in CHINA 30 Pf. Germania hand op used, TIENTSIN $ 7500.00 $1,500.00 USD
Germany colonies 1918 Cameroun 5 Mark Yacht war print mint**, $ 138.00 $48.00 USD
Germany colonies 1905 EAST AFRICA 60 Heller Yacht used, IRINGA, $ 144.00 $48.00 USD
Germany colonies 1899 Cameroun 25 Pfennig early issue used KAMERUN, $ 144.00 $48.00 USD
Germany colonies 1905 EAST AFRICA 60 Heller Yacht issue used KILWA, $ 144.00 $48.00 USD
Germany 1889 offices TURKEY 2½ Piaster issue used signed, $ 36.00 $12.00 USD
Germany 1889 offices in TURKEY 2½ Piaster issue used, SMYRNA, signed $ 36.00 $12.00 USD
Germany 1905 offices in TURKEY 2 Piaster Germania issue mint* $ 36.00 $12.00 USD
Germany colonies 1899 Marshal Islands 5 Pf. with op, mint* signed, $ 180.00 $60.00 USD
Germany 1931 1 Mark Zeppelin issue POLAR FLIGHT mint*, $ 180.00 $60.00 USD
Germany 1944 Military Mail (Inselpost) rouletted used signed $60.00 USD
Germany colonies 1901 EAST AFRICA 1 Rupie Yacht used DARESSALAM, $ 72.00 $24.00 USD
Germany 1949 Allied occup. French Zone WÜRTTEMBERG semi set used, signed $ 69.00 $24.00 USD
German 19th Century 3 Pf. private post card CREFELD mint $27.00 USD
German 19th Century 2 Pf. private post CHEMNITZ post card mint $27.00 USD
German 19th Century 2 Pf. private post card CREFELD mint $27.00 USD
Germany 1906 20 Pfennig Germania issue mint** color variety signed $ 1440. $480.00 USD
Germany 1920 1.25 on 1 Mark Post Officer Berlin issue used, signed, $ 144.00 $45.00 USD
Germany colonies 1917 CAMEROUN 20 Pfennig Yacht issue mint**, $ 55.00 $18.00 USD
Germany 1889 offices in TURKEY 2½ Piaster early mint* $ 54.00 $18.00 USD
Germany 1901 offices in CHINA 30 Pf. Germania hand op used, signed, $ 7200.00 $2,100.00 USD
Germany 1969 complete year set and souvenir sheet used, $ 27.00 $9.00 USD
Germany 1898 offices in CHINA 50 Pf. early with op 45° used SHANGHAI $ 26.00 $9.00 USD
Germany 1939 Third Reich strip, of 4 with label for ATM's mint** $3.50 USD
Germany 1905 offices in Morocco 1.25 Pts. issue used TANGER, signed $ 48.00 $21.00 USD
Germany colonies 1918 KIAUTCHOU 1½ $ Yacht issue mint* $ 120.00 $40.00 USD
Germany 1920 2.50 Mark North & South with op issue signed mint** $ 110.00 $40.00 USD
Germany colonies 1901 EAST AFRICA 2 Rupien Yacht issue used MKUMBARA $ 120.00 $40.00 USD
Germany colonies 1918 KIAUTCHOU 1½ $ Yacht issue mint* $ 120.00 $40.00 USD
Germany colonies 1906 KIAUTSCHOU 1 Dollar Yacht used TSINGTAU, $ 116.00 $40.00 USD
Germany States 1850 PRUSSIA 3 Silbergroschen issue mint* assay $40.00 USD
Germany colonies 1905 KIAUTCHOU 1/2 $ Yacht issue used TSINGTAU , $ 121.00 $40.00 USD
Germany 1949 Berlin West 10+5 Pfennig semi postal issue mint** signed $ 115.00 $40.00 USD
Germany 1933 4 Mark Zeppelin World EXPO Chicago Flight mint**, $ 420.00 $140.00 USD
Germany 19th Century private post KÖLN stationary post card mint $25.00 USD
German 19th Century 3 Pf. private post card Stadtbriefbeförderung Berlin mint $19.00 USD
German colonies 1900 Cameroun 10 Pfennig early issue used "Seepost" cancellation $62.00 USD
Germany 1900 offices in China 5 on 10 Pfennig early op 56° mint* signed $ 840.00 $299.00 USD
Germany 1924 complete set semi postal issues mint**, $ 184.00 $64.00 USD
Germany 1898 South West Africa early 3 Pf. color variety mint* $ 78.00 $26.00 USD
Germany colonies 1901 KIAUTSCHOU 80 Pfennig Yacht issue used TSINGTAU $ 78.00 $26.00 USD
Germany colonies 1897 Cameroun 3 Pfennig early issue used VIKTORIA, $ 280.00 $112.00 USD
Germany 1949 Berlin West 2 Mark red overprint used with certificate $ 336.00 $112.00 USD
Germany States 1851 BADEN 1 Kreuzer issue mint* $ 720.00 $240.00 USD
Germany 1921 10 Pfennig official issue used, $ 720.00 $240.00 USD
Germany 1957 complete year set used, $ 65.00 $20.00 USD
Germany 1936/37 Third Reich booklet pane 3 & 5 Pfennig pane mint** $ 60.00 $20.00 USD
Germany 1898 offices in CHINA 3 Pf. early with op 56° mint* $ 60.00 $20.00 USD
Germany colonies 1897 Cameroun 3 Pfennig early issue used KRIBI, signed $ 57.00 $20.00 USD
Germany colonies 1897 Cameroun 50 Pfennig early used KAMERUN, signed $ 38.00 $20.00 USD
Germany 1944 WW II Military Mail (Inselpost) rouletted mint**, € 3000.00 $300.00 USD
Germany 1930 IPOSTA s/s used on registered cover € 3,600.00 $1,200.00 USD
Germany 1903 offices in Turkey 5 Piaster issue used JERUSALEM, $ 162.00 $52.00 USD
Germany colonies 1897 NEW GUINEA 25 Pfennig early issue mint**, $ 156.00 $52.00 USD
Germany 1903 offices in TURKEY 5 Piaster op type II used CONSTANTINOPEL $ 156. $52.00 USD
Germany 1902 2 Mark Union of North & South Germany no watermark used $ 156.00 $52.00 USD
Germany 1884 offices in Turkey 2½ Piaster issue mint*, signed $ 156.00 $54.00 USD
Germany 1905 offices in Morocco 2 Pts. 50 Cts. used, TANGER $ 216.00 $72.00 USD
Germany 1903 offices in TURKEY 5 Piaster op type II mint* signed $ 220.00 $72.00 USD
Germany1923 10 mrd Mark Official inflation issue used signed, $ 210.00 $72.00 USD
Germany colonies 1897 South West Africa early 25 Pf. issue mint*, $ 336.00 $115.00 USD
Germany 1921 80 Pfennig Blacksmith issue watermark network used, signed $ 90.0 $30.00 USD
Germany colonies 1898 Cameroun 3 Pfennig early issue mint* signed $ 90.00 $30.00 USD
Germany 1933 40+35 Pf. Wagner "Persifal" issue used, $ 196.00 $68.00 USD
Germany colonies 1900 CAROLINE ISLANDS 3 Mark Yacht issue used, YAP , $ 204.00 $68.00 USD