Magi Nation Duel - Morag - Core - Magi - Awakening

Sold by hyrensmall

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(99.40% Positive)

Item ships from Hermitage TN USA

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Magi Nation Duel - K'LY - Paradwyn Creature - Nightmare's Dawn - Foil * Jungle $5.40 USD
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Magi Nation Duel - NIMBULO - Arderial Magi - Base Limited - Foil / Holo $7.65 USD
Magi Nation Duel - ROUS - Core Creature - Voice of the Storm - Foil $7.65 USD
Magi Nation Duel - AKKAR - Kybar's Teeth Creature - Nightmare's Dawn - Foil $5.36 USD
Magi Nation Duel - Robe of Petals - Paradwyn Relic - Nightmare's Dawn - Foil $8.10 USD
Magi Nation Duel - XYX ELDER - Arderial Creature - Base Limited - Foil / Holo $6.30 USD