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Here's a list of some items for sale by camgremi0 right now...

The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature [Penguin American (365011146455)
The Rebirth of Orthodoxy: Signs of New Life in Christianity by Oden, Thomas C. (365011106862)
The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature by M. C. Howatson (365011099639)
Handbook of Christian Theologians By Martin E. Marty (365011100935)
The Mind of Kierkegaard by Collins, James Daniel (365011093679)
Reason in the Age of Science Paperback Hans-Georg Gadamer (364275762559)
Quest for Human Unity: A Religio... by Kitagawa, Joseph Mit Paperback / softback (364275744889)
T. S. Eliot Paperback Northrop Frye (365011176707)
The Gift of Death (Religion and Postmodernism Series) - Paperback - GOOD (364275739067)
The Promise of Hermeneutics (364275758323)
Words with Power orthrop FRYE (365011175451)
Fables Of Identity: Studies In Poetic Mythology by Frye, Northrop (365011136521)
The Reformation by Chadwick, Owen (365011058272)
Joachim of Fiore : A Study in Spiritual Perception and History Ha (365011043773)
LEVINAS STUDIES: AN ANNUAL REVIEW, VOLUME 9 By Jeffrey Bloechl **BRAND NEW** (365011044688)
In Dominico Eloquio—in Lordly Eloquence: Essays on Patristic Exegesis—Hardcover (365011036904)
HERMENEUTICS: QUESTIONS AND PROSPECTS By Gary Shapiro *Excellent Condition* (364276035290)
Idea and Experience : Edmund Husserl's Project of Phenomenology i (365011027288)
Vigilant Memory : Emmanuel Levinas, the Holocaust, and the Unjust (364273072081)
Phenomenology (Paperback or Softback) (364275997034)
New Combined Bible Dictionary and Concordance by Baker (English) Paperback Book (365011078122)
Silence Speaks: Teilhard de Chardin, Y... by Nugent, Robert Paperback / softback (365011055250)
The Bible To-day by Dodd, C. H. (365011103948)
Working Through Derrida By Madison, Gary B. (364275746254)
Re-reading Levinas [Studies in Continental Thought] (365011026154)
Herrera, R. A. : Silent Music: The Life, Work, and Though (365011152782)
The Hermeneutic Tradition : From Ast to Ricoeur Paperback (364276032255)
Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization [ Zimmer, Heinrich Robert ] Use (365011128166)
Western Philosophy by John Cottingham (365011076297)
Max Scheler: The Man and His Work by John H. Nota (365011060772)
Aristotle Ethics 1975 Penguin Classics paperback Book (365011193101)
The Great Code: The Bible and Literature by Frye, Northrop (365011071533)
An Introduction to the Study of Blake (Max Plowman - 1927) (ID:28216) (365011151385)
Denial, Negation, and the Forces of the Negative: Freud, Hegel, Lacan, Spitz, an (364160722383)
Poetics of Imagining: Modern and Post-modern (Perspectives in Continental Ph... (365011066695)
The Philosophy of John Dewey Paperback John, Schilpp, Paul Arthur (364150603527)
God, Guilt, and Death: An Existential Phenomenology of Religion (365011138779)
Malinowski and the Work of Myth by Malinowski, Bronislaw; Strenski, Ivan (364275733013)
Romanticism and Consciousness Essays in Criticism by Harold Bloom 1970 1st Ed (365011120558)
Hermeneutics: An Introduction - Paperback By Thiselton, Anthony C - Very good (365011046660)
The Plural Event (364276033015)
La Nature: Notes, Cours du College de France by Maurice Merleau-Ponty: Used (364267450269)
Communicative Praxis and the Space of Subjectivity (Philosophy/Communication) b (365011022742)
Levinas and Kierkegaard in Dialogue by Merold Westphal: Used (365011140202)
The Cambridge Companion to Keats (Cambridge Companions to Literature) by , Good (365011041008)
Speech and Phenomena: And Other Essays on Husserl's Theory of Signs [Studies in (364160727075)
Northrop Frye a Biography by Ayre, John (365011084641)
Michel Foucault : Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics by Paul Rabinow and... (365011090657)
Merleau-Ponty (The Routledge Philosophers) - Paperback - VERY GOOD (364275768159)
A Reading of Hegel's "Phenomenology of Spirit" - Lauer, Quentin-verygood (364267470113)
Divided Image, William Blake & W.B. Yeats, 1ST U.K., HB, in DJ (365011141856)
Structural Anthropology Levi-Strauss, Claude VeryGood (364273079343)
The Divine Comedy Perfect Dante Alighieri (365011172290)
Purity of Diction in English Verse and Articulate Energy Paperbac (365011053870)
The Metaphysics (Penguin Classics) (365011110912)
Husserl : Expositions and Appraisals Paperback (365011109843)
Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Heidegger an... by Mulhall, Stephen 0415100933 (364276028212)
Metaphysics and Oppression : Heidegger's Challenge to Western Phi (364273058058)
The Spirit in Man, Art, & Literature (Collected Works of Jung Vol. 15) verygood (364273061107)
EXCELLENT! The Examined Life, Stanley Rosen 2000 HC/DJ 1st Pri. (Random House) (365011098954)
William Blake - His Life By JAMES KING (365011091558)
Kierkegaard : A Kind of Poet Hardcover Louis Mackey (365011050852)
THE PHILOSOPHY OF MERLEAU-PONTY By John F. Bannan *Excellent Condition* (364273078103)
Vintage ON MAN IN THE UNIVERSE Aristotle - 1943 Printing Walter Black (s18) (365011143993)
Beyond the Post-Modern Mind by Smith, Huston (365011074133)
The Gospel and Epistles of John: A Concise Commentary (365011189131)
Patterns of Culture by Benedict, Ruth (364275739786)
The Logos of the Sensible World: Merleau (364275735467)
Essays in the History of Religions Hardcover (364273087488)
Ontology and Alterity in Merleau-Ponty (Studies in Phenomenology Like New (364275731483)
Contemporary Hermeneutics Paperback Joseph Bleicher (364276031567)
God as Otherwise Than Being: Toward a Semantics of the Gift (Studies in Phenomen (365011112253)
The Making of a Philosopher: My Journey Through Twentieth-Centu - ACCEPTABLE (364276008783)
Tales of Wonder: Adventures Chasing the Divine,- 9780061154263, hardcover, Smith (365011081228)
The Unity of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit: A Systematic Interpretation (364156738718)
What Makes Us Think?: A Neuroscientist and a Philosopher Argue LikeNew (364276040123)
English Romantic Poets: Modern Essays in Criticism by (365011101860)
Nietzsche : A Novel Paperback David Farrell Krell (364275758888)
A History Of Philosophical Systems Edited By Vergilius Ferm 1950 Hardcover (365011087027)
History and Truth in Hegel's Phenomenology, Third Edition (365011068957)
Mambu : A Melanesian Millennium Paperback Kenelm Burridge (364273089719)
Canon and Biblical Interpretation by Craig G. Bartholomew (2006, Hardcover) (365011034803)
Literature and Philosophy in Dialogue: Essays in German Literary Theory: Used (364276001774)
Kainz, Howard P. : Hegels Phenomenology, Part 1: Analysis a (364267469297)
Jung and the Lost Gospels (Paperback or Softback) (364273093439)
The Dead Sea Scrolls, Millar Burrows (365011148933)
New Husserl : A Critical Reader, Paperback by Welton, Donn (EDT), Brand New, ... (365011028759)
The Gods of Prehistoric Man (Phoenix Press) (364276048786)
Re-reading Levinas Studies in Continental Thought (364267438594)
Merleau-Ponty Philosophie Et Mouvement Des Images by Chiasmi International (Fren (364275734692)
The Gadamer Reader: A Bouquet of t... by Hans-Georg Gadamer Paperback / softback (364276004163)
20th-Century Theology: God and the World- 0830815252, paperback, Stanley J Grenz (365011048175)
The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man: An Essay of Speculative Thought in (364276006410)
Hermeneutics Ancient and Modern (Yale Studies in Hermeneutics), Bruns, Gerald L. (364275770054)
E Pluribus Unum The Formation of the American Republic 1776-1790, McDonald (365011143326)
C.G. Jung, Dreams: (from Volumes 4, 8, 12, and 16 of the Collected... (364156742297)
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